D B Melrose
D B Melrose
Professor of Physics (Theoretical), The University of Sydney
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Plasma astrophysics
DB Melrose
CRC Press, 1980
Instabilities in space and laboratory plasmas
DB Melrose
Instabilities in Space and Laboratory Plasmas, 288, 1986
Electron-cyclotron masers as the source of certain solar and stellar radio bursts
DB Melrose, GA Dulk
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 259, Aug. 15, 1982, p. 844-858. 259, 844-858, 1982
Production of a collisionless conduction front by rapid coronal heating and its role in solar hard X-ray bursts
JC Brown, DB Melrose, DS Spicer
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 228, Mar. 1, 1979, p. 592-597. 228, 592-597, 1979
Electromagnetic processes in dispersive media
DB Melrose, RC McPhedran
Electromagnetic Processes in Dispersive Media, 431, 1991
The origin of cosmic rays above 10 18.5 eV
CA Norman, DB Melrose, A Achterberg
Astrophysical Journal v. 454, p. 60 454, 60, 1995
The emission mechanisms for solar radio bursts
DB Melrose
Space Science Reviews 26, 3-38, 1980
Reduction of Feynman diagrams
DB Melrose
Il Nuovo Cimento A (1965-1970) 40, 181-213, 1965
Precipitation in trap models for solar hard X-ray bursts
DB Melrose, JC Brown
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 176 (1), 15-30, 1976
Solar Radiophysics
GJ Nelson, DB Melrose, DJ McLean, NR Labrum
McLean DJ and Labrun, 1985
Quantum plasmadynamics: unmagnetized plasmas
DB Melrose
Springer, 2008
Type II bursts.
GJ Nelson, DB Melrose
Solar radiophysics: Studies of emission from the Sun at metre wavelengths …, 1985
Coherent emission mechanisms in astrophysical plasmas
DB Melrose
Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics 1, 1-81, 2017
Electron‐cyclotron maser emission: Relative growth and damping rates for different modes and harmonics
DB Melrose, RG Hewitt, GA Dulk
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 89 (A2), 897-904, 1984
Pulsars with strong magnetic fields: Polar gaps, bound pair creation and nonthermal luminosities
VV Usov, DB Melrose
Australian Journal of Physics 48 (4), 571-612, 1995
An interpretation of Jupiter's decametric radiation and the terrestrial kilometric radiation as direct amplified gyroemission
DB Melrose
Astrophysical Journal, vol. 207, July 15, 1976, pt. 1, p. 651-662. 207, 651-662, 1976
The emission and absorption of waves by charged particles in magnetized plasmas
DB Melrose
Astrophysics and Space Science 2, 171-235, 1968
Terrestrial kilometric radiation: The cyclotron theory
DB Melrose, KG Rönnmark, RG Hewitt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 87 (A7), 5140-5150, 1982
Interpretation of parabolic arcs in pulsar secondary spectra
MA Walker, DB Melrose, DR Stinebring, CM Zhang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 354 (1), 43-54, 2004
Amplified linear acceleration emission applied to pulsars
DB Melrose
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 225, Oct. 15, 1978, p. 557-573. 225, 557-573, 1978
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