Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Angus J WilkinsonPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 4
Evolution of dislocation density distributions in copper during tensile deformation
J Jiang, TB Britton, AJ Wilkinson
Acta Materialia 61 (19), 7227-7239, 2013
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
< c+a> Dislocations in deformed Ti–6Al–4V micro-cantilevers
R Ding, J Gong, AJ Wilkinson, IP Jones
Acta Materialia 76, 127-134, 2014
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Mapping type III intragranular residual stress distributions in deformed copper polycrystals
J Jiang, TB Britton, AJ Wilkinson
Acta Materialia 61 (15), 5895-5904, 2013
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Stress Concentrations, Slip Bands and Grain Boundaries In Commercially Pure Titanium
Y Guo, TB Britton, AJ Wilkinson
Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium, 1017-1021, 2016
Mandat: US Department of Energy, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 65
On the mechanistic basis of deformation at the microscale in hexagonal close-packed metals
TB Britton, FPE Dunne, AJ Wilkinson
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2015
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Tutorial: Crystal orientations and EBSD—Or which way is up?
TB Britton, J Jiang, Y Guo, A Vilalta-Clemente, D Wallis, LN Hansen, ...
Materials Characterization 117, 113-126, 2016
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
< a> Prismatic,< a> basal, and< c+ a> slip strengths of commercially pure Zr by micro-cantilever tests
J Gong, TB Britton, MA Cuddihy, FPE Dunne, AJ Wilkinson
Acta Materialia 96, 249-257, 2015
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
‘Low activation, refractory, high entropy alloys for nuclear applications’
A Kareer, JC Waite, B Li, A Couet, DEJ Armstrong, AJ Wilkinson
Journal of Nuclear Materials 526, 151744, 2019
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
On the microtwinning mechanism in a single crystal superalloy
D Barba, E Alabort, S Pedrazzini, DM Collins, AJ Wilkinson, PAJ Bagot, ...
Acta Materialia, 2017
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Environmentally-assisted grain boundary attack as a mechanism of embrittlement in a nickel-based superalloy
AAN Németh, DJ Crudden, DEJ Armstrong, DM Collins, K Li, AJ Wilkinson, ...
Acta Materialia 126, 361-371, 2017
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Strong grain neighbour effects in polycrystals
H Abdolvand, J Wright, AJ Wilkinson
Nature communications 9 (1), 1-11, 2018
Mandat: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, UK Engineering …
On the role of boron on improving ductility in a new polycrystalline superalloy
P Kontis, E Alabort, D Barba, DM Collins, AJ Wilkinson, RC Reed
Acta Materialia 124, 489-500, 2017
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Quantitative investigation of micro slip and localization in polycrystalline materials under uniaxial tension
Z Zhang, D Lunt, H Abdolvand, AJ Wilkinson, M Preuss, FPE Dunne
International Journal of Plasticity 108, 88-106, 2018
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Measurements of stress fields near a grain boundary: Exploring blocked arrays of dislocations in 3D
Y Guo, DM Collins, E Tarleton, F Hofmann, J Tischler, W Liu, R Xu, ...
Acta Materialia 96, 229-236, 2015
Mandat: US Department of Energy, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Growth of {112¯ 2} twins in titanium: A combined experimental and modelling investigation of the local state of deformation
Y Guo, H Abdolvand, TB Britton, AJ Wilkinson
Acta Materialia 126, 221-235, 2017
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Geometrically necessary dislocation densities in olivine obtained using high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction
D Wallis, LN Hansen, TB Britton, AJ Wilkinson
Ultramicroscopy 168, 34-45, 2016
Mandat: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Dislocation density distribution at slip band-grain boundary intersections
Y Guo, DM Collins, E Tarleton, F Hofmann, AJ Wilkinson, TB Britton
Acta Materialia 182, 172-183, 2020
Mandat: US Department of Energy, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research …
Assessment of residual stress fields at deformation twin tips and the surrounding environments
H Abdolvand, AJ Wilkinson
Acta Materialia 105, 219-231, 2016
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Rapid nondestructive analysis of threading dislocations in wurtzite materials using the scanning electron microscope
G Naresh-Kumar, B Hourahine, PR Edwards, AP Day, A Winkelmann, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (13), 135503, 2012
Mandat: Science Foundation Ireland
On the composition of microtwins in a single crystal nickel-based superalloy
D Barba, S Pedrazzini, A Vilalta-Clemente, AJ Wilkinson, MP Moody, ...
Scripta Materialia 127, 37-40, 2017
Mandat: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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