Lawrence G. Piper
Lawrence G. Piper
Principle at Metastable States
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Quenching cross sections for electronic energy transfer reactions between metastable argon atoms and noble gases and small molecules
LG Piper, JE Velazco, DW Setser
The Journal of Chemical Physics 59 (6), 3323-3340, 1973
State‐to‐state N2(A3Σ+u) energy‐pooling reactions. I. The formation of N2(C3Πu) and the Herman infrared system
LG Piper
The Journal of chemical physics 88 (1), 231-239, 1988
State‐to‐state N2(A3+u) energy pooling reactions. II. The formation and quenching of N2(B3Πg, v′=1–12)
LG Piper
The Journal of chemical physics 88 (11), 6911-6921, 1988
Quenching rate coefficients for N2(a1Σu)
LG Piper
The Journal of chemical physics 87 (3), 1625-1629, 1987
Energy transfer studies on N2(X1Σ+g,v) and N2(B3Πg)
LG Piper
The Journal of chemical physics 97 (1), 270-275, 1992
Einstein coefficients and transition moment variation for the NO(A2Σ+X2Π) transition
LG Piper, LM Cowles
The Journal of chemical physics 85 (5), 2419-2422, 1986
The excitation of N2(B3Πg, v=1–12) in the reaction between N2(A3Σ+u) and N2(X, v≥5)
LG Piper
The Journal of chemical physics 91 (2), 864-873, 1989
Rate constants for deactivation of N2(A 3Sigma + u, v' = 0,1) by O
LG Piper, GE Caledonia, JP Kennealy
Journal of Chemical Physics 75 (6), 2847-2852, 1981
State‐to‐state excitation of NO(A2Σ+, v′=0,1,2) by N2(A3Σ+u, v′=0,1,2)
LG Piper, LM Cowles, WT Rawlins
The Journal of chemical physics 85 (6), 3369-3378, 1986
The excitation of N (2P) by N2 (A 3∑+ u, v′= 0, 1)
LG Piper
The Journal of chemical physics 90 (12), 7087-7095, 1989
Thermodynamics of cis-trans isomerizations. II. 1-Chloro-2-fluoroethylenes, 1, 2-difluorocyclopropanes, and related molecules
NC Craig, LG Piper, VL Wheeler
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 75 (10), 1453-1460, 1971
The excitation of O (1S) in the reaction between N (A 3Σ) and O (3P)
LG Piper
The Journal of Chemical Physics 77, 2373, 1982
Rate constants for deactivation of N2(A) v′=0,1 by O2
LG Piper, GE Caledonia, JP Kennealy
The Journal of Chemical Physics 74 (5), 2888-2895, 1981
Experimental determination of the Einstein coefficients for the N2(BA) transition
LG Piper, KW Holtzclaw, BD Green, WAM Blumberg
The Journal of chemical physics 90 (10), 5337-5345, 1989
Rate coefficients for atomic nitrogen (2D) reactions
LG Piper, ME Donahue, WT Rawlins
Journal of Physical Chemistry 91 (14), 3883-3888, 1987
Electronic energy transfer from metastable argon (4 s 3 P 2, 0) to xenon, oxygen and chlorine atoms
DL King, LG Piper, DW Setser
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and …, 1977
Excitation of nitrogen and carbon monoxide ionic emissions by He(2 3S), He+, and He+2
LG Piper, L Gundel, JE Velazco, DW Setser
The Journal of Chemical Physics 62 (10), 3883-3889, 1975
Electronic energy transfer from metastable argon atoms to krypton atoms
LG Piper, DW Setser, MAA Clyne
The Journal of Chemical Physics 63 (11), 5018-5028, 1975
O-atom yields from microwave discharges in N2O/Ar Mixtures
LG Piper, WT Rawlins, RA Armstrong
Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, United States …, 1983
Spark-induced breakdown spectroscopy: a new technique for monitoring heavy metals
AJR Hunter, SJ Davis, LG Piper, KW Holtzclaw, ME Fraser
Applied Spectroscopy 54 (4), 575-582, 2000
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