Gerard C. L. Wong
Gerard C. L. Wong
UCLA BioE Dept, Chem & Biochem Dept., Microbiology, Immunology, & Mol Genetics Dept, CNSI
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The Pel Polysaccharide Can Serve a Structural and Protective Role in the Biofilm Matrix of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
KM Colvin, VD Gordon, K Murakami, BR Borlee, DJ Wozniak, GCL Wong, ...
PLoS pathogens 7 (1), e1001264, 2011
Arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides
N Schmidt, A Mishra, GH Lai, GCL Wong
FEBS letters 584 (9), 1806-1813, 2010
Living in the matrix: assembly and control of Vibrio cholerae biofilms
JK Teschler, D Zamorano-Sánchez, AS Utada, CJA Warner, GCL Wong, ...
Nature Reviews Microbiology 13 (5), 255-268, 2015
Reversible cell‐specific drug delivery with aptamer‐functionalized liposomes
Z Cao, R Tong, A Mishra, W Xu, GCL Wong, J Cheng, Y Lu
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48 (35), 6494-6498, 2009
Psl trails guide exploration and microcolony formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms
K Zhao, BS Tseng, B Beckerman, F Jin, ML Gibiansky, JJ Harrison, ...
Nature 497 (7449), 388-391, 2013
Externalized histone H4 orchestrates chronic inflammation by inducing lytic cell death
C Silvestre-Roig, Q Braster, K Wichapong, EY Lee, JM Teulon, ...
Nature 569 (7755), 236-240, 2019
Translocation of HIV TAT peptide and analogues induced by multiplexed membrane and cytoskeletal interactions
A Mishra, GH Lai, NW Schmidt, VZ Sun, AR Rodriguez, R Tong, L Tang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (41), 16883-16888, 2011
Like-charge attraction between polyelectrolytes induced by counterion charge density waves
TE Angelini, H Liang, W Wriggers, GCL Wong
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (15), 8634-8637, 2003
Flagella and pili-mediated near-surface single-cell motility mechanisms in P. aeruginosa
JC Conrad, ML Gibiansky, F Jin, VD Gordon, DA Motto, MA Mathewson, ...
Biophysical journal 100 (7), 1608-1616, 2011
A role for neuronal alpha-synuclein in gastrointestinal immunity
E Stolzenberg, D Berry, DE Yang, EY Lee, A Kroemer, S Kaufman, ...
Journal of innate immunity 9 (5), 456-463, 2017
Structure and dynamics of liquid crystalline pattern formation in drying droplets of DNA
II Smalyukh, OV Zribi, JC Butler, OD Lavrentovich, GCL Wong
Physical review letters 96 (17), 177801, 2006
Hierarchical self-assembly of F-actin and cationic lipid complexes: stacked three-layer tubule networks
GCL Wong, JX Tang, A Lin, Y Li, PA Janmey, CR Safinya
Science 288 (5473), 2035-2039, 2000
Electrostatics of strongly charged biological polymers: ion-mediated interactions and self-organization in nucleic acids and proteins
GCL Wong, L Pollack
Annual review of physical chemistry 61 (1), 171-189, 2010
Mitochondrial oxidative capacity and NAD+ biosynthesis are reduced in human sarcopenia across ethnicities
E Migliavacca, SKH Tay, HP Patel, T Sonntag, G Civiletto, C McFarlane, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5808, 2019
A hierarchical cascade of second messengers regulates Pseudomonas aeruginosa surface behaviors
Y Luo, K Zhao, AE Baker, SL Kuchma, KA Coggan, MC Wolfgang, ...
MBio 6 (1), 10.1128/mbio. 02456-14, 2015
Bacteria use type IV pili to walk upright and detach from surfaces
ML Gibiansky, JC Conrad, F Jin, VD Gordon, DA Motto, MA Mathewson, ...
Science 330 (6001), 197-197, 2010
Silver nanoparticles boost charge-extraction efficiency in Shewanella microbial fuel cells
B Cao, Z Zhao, L Peng, HY Shiu, M Ding, F Song, X Guan, CK Lee, ...
Science 373 (6561), 1336-1340, 2021
Ion multivalence and like-charge polyelectrolyte attraction
JC Butler, T Angelini, JX Tang, GCL Wong
Physical review letters 91 (2), 028301, 2003
Sensational biofilms: surface sensing in bacteria
GA O’Toole, GCL Wong
Current opinion in microbiology 30, 139-146, 2016
Criterion for amino acid composition of defensins and antimicrobial peptides based on geometry of membrane destabilization
NW Schmidt, A Mishra, GH Lai, M Davis, LK Sanders, D Tran, A Garcia, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (17), 6720-6727, 2011
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