The PRIDE database and related tools and resources in 2019: improving support for quantification data Y Perez-Riverol, A Csordas, J Bai, M Bernal-Llinares, S Hewapathirana, ... Nucleic acids research 47 (D1), D442-D450, 2019 | 6621 | 2019 |
2016 update of the PRIDE database and its related tools JA Vizcaíno, A Csordas, N Del-Toro, JA Dianes, J Griss, I Lavidas, ... Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D447-D456, 2016 | 3846 | 2016 |
ProteomeXchange provides globally coordinated proteomics data submission and dissemination JA Vizcaíno, EW Deutsch, R Wang, A Csordas, F Reisinger, D Ríos, ... Nature biotechnology 32 (3), 223-226, 2014 | 2817 | 2014 |
The PRoteomics IDEntifications (PRIDE) database and associated tools: status in 2013 JA Vizcaíno, RG Côté, A Csordas, JA Dianes, A Fabregat, JM Foster, ... Nucleic acids research 41 (D1), D1063-D1069, 2012 | 2042 | 2012 |
The ProteomeXchange consortium in 2017: supporting the cultural change in proteomics public data deposition EW Deutsch, A Csordas, Z Sun, A Jarnuczak, Y Perez-Riverol, T Ternent, ... Nucleic acids research, gkw936, 2016 | 902 | 2016 |
Neurons in the basal forebrain project to the cortex in a complex topographic organization that reflects corticocortical connectivity patterns: an experimental study based on … L Zaborszky, A Csordas, K Mosca, J Kim, MR Gielow, C Vadasz, ... Cerebral cortex 25 (1), 118-137, 2015 | 307 | 2015 |
PRIDE inspector toolsuite: moving toward a universal visualization tool for proteomics data standard formats and quality assessment of ProteomeXchange datasets Y Perez-Riverol, QW Xu, R Wang, J Uszkoreit, J Griss, A Sanchez, ... Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 15 (1), 305-317, 2016 | 174 | 2016 |
Rapid ‘glycaemic swings’ induce nitrosative stress, activate poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase and impair endothelial function in a rat model of diabetes mellitus EM Horváth, R Benkő, L Kiss, M Murányi, T Pék, K Fekete, T Bárány, ... Diabetologia 52, 952-961, 2009 | 150 | 2009 |
Mitochondrial NO and reactive nitrogen species production: does mtNOS exist? Z Lacza, E Pankotai, A Csordás, D Gero, L Kiss, EM Horváth, M Kollai, ... Nitric oxide 14 (2), 162-168, 2006 | 143 | 2006 |
PRIDE Inspector: a tool to visualize and validate MS proteomics data R Wang, A Fabregat, D Ríos, D Ovelleiro, JM Foster, RG Côté, J Griss, ... Nature biotechnology 30 (2), 135-137, 2012 | 128 | 2012 |
LongevityMap: a database of human genetic variants associated with longevity A Budovsky, T Craig, J Wang, R Tacutu, A Csordas, J Lourenço, ... Trends in Genetics 29 (10), 559-560, 2013 | 115 | 2013 |
The PRoteomics IDEntification (PRIDE) Converter 2 framework: an improved suite of tools to facilitate data submission to the PRIDE database and the ProteomeXchange consortium RG Côté, J Griss, JA Dianes, R Wang, JC Wright, HWP van den Toorn, ... Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11 (12), 1682-1689, 2012 | 112 | 2012 |
Recovery versus death of" dark"(compacted) neurons in non-impaired parenchymal environment: light and electron microscopic observations A Csordas, M Mazlo, F Gallyas Acta neuropathologica 106, 37-49, 2003 | 103 | 2003 |
Exploring the potential of public proteomics data M Vaudel, K Verheggen, A Csordas, H Ræder, FS Berven, L Martens, ... Proteomics 16 (2), 214-225, 2016 | 101 | 2016 |
Hydra: a scalable proteomic search engine which utilizes the Hadoop distributed computing framework S Lewis, A Csordas, S Killcoyne, H Hermjakob, MR Hoopmann, RL Moritz, ... BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-6, 2012 | 69 | 2012 |
How to submit MS proteomics data to ProteomeXchange via the PRIDE database T Ternent, A Csordas, D Qi, G Gómez‐Baena, RJ Beynon, AR Jones, ... Proteomics 14 (20), 2233-2241, 2014 | 61 | 2014 |
Mitochondria produce reactive nitrogen species via an arginine-independent pathway Z Lacza, AV Kozlov, E Pankotai, A Csordás, G Wolf, H Redl, M Kollai, ... Free radical research 40 (4), 369-378, 2006 | 56 | 2006 |
PRIDE: quality control in a proteomics data repository A Csordas, D Ovelleiro, R Wang, JM Foster, D Ríos, JA Vizcaíno, ... Database 2012, bas004, 2012 | 45 | 2012 |
The novel red-fluorescent probe DAR-4M measures reactive nitrogen species rather than NO Z Lacza, EM Horváth, E Pankotai, A Csordás, M Kollai, C Szabó, ... Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods 52 (3), 335-340, 2005 | 39 | 2005 |
“Dark”(compacted) neurons may not die through the necrotic pathway F Gallyas, A Csordás, A Schwarcz, M Mázló Experimental brain research 160, 473-486, 2005 | 35 | 2005 |