Sarah A. Low
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Local food systems: Concepts, impacts, and issues, ERR 97
S Martinez, M Hand, M Da Pra, S Pollack, K Ralston, T Smith, S Vogel, ...
US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service 5, 2010
Trends in US local and regional food systems: A report to Congress
SA Low, A Adalja, E Beaulieu, N Key, S Martinez, A Melton, A Perez, ...
Direct and intermediated marketing of local foods in the United States
SA Low, S Vogel
USDA-ERS Economic Research Report, 2011
Local food supply chain dynamics and resilience during COVID‐19
D Thilmany, E Canales, SA Low, K Boys
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43 (1), 86-104, 2021
Gauging a Region's Entrepreneurial Potential.
S Low, J Henderson, S Weiler
Economic Review (01612387) 90 (3), 2005
Ethanol and the local economy: Industry trends, location factors, economic impacts, and risks
SA Low, AM Isserman
Economic Development Quarterly 23 (1), 71-88, 2009
Where are the innovative entrepreneurs? Identifying innovative industries and measuring innovative entrepreneurship
SA Low, AM Isserman
International Regional Science Review 38 (2), 171-201, 2015
Online sales: A direct marketing opportunity for rural farms?
JK O’Hara, SA Low
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 52 (2), 222-239, 2020
Exploring regional patterns of agritourism in the US: what's driving clusters of enterprises?
A Van Sandt, SA Low, D Thilmany
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 47 (3), 592-609, 2018
Employment risk, returns, and entrepreneurship
SA Low, S Weiler
Economic Development Quarterly 26 (3), 238-251, 2012
Broadband adoption and availability: Impacts on rural employment during COVID-19
C Isley, SA Low
Telecommunications Policy 46 (7), 102310, 2022
Entrepreneurship, broadband, and gender: Evidence from establishment births in rural America
T Conroy, SA Low
International Regional Science Review 45 (1), 3-35, 2022
Defining and measuring entrepreneurship for regional research: A new approach
SA Low
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009
The drivers of regional entrepreneurship in rural and metro areas
J Henderson, S Low, S Weiler
Entrepreneurship and local economic development, 81-102, 2007
Regional asset indicators: entrepreneurship breadth and depth
S Low
Main Street Economist, 2004
Evaluating the impact of broadband access and internet use in a small underserved rural community
J Valentín-Sívico, C Canfield, SA Low, C Gollnick
Telecommunications Policy 47 (4), 102499, 2023
Manufacturing plant survival in a period of decline
SA Low, JP Brown
Growth and Change 48 (3), 297-312, 2017
Local foods go downstream: Exploring the spatial factors driving US food manufacturing
SA Low, M Bass, D Thilmany, M Castillo
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43 (3), 896-915, 2021
Trends in US local and regional food systems: A report to Congress, AP-068
SA Low, A Adalja, E Beaulieu, N Key, S Martinez, A Melton, A Perez, ...
US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. http://scholarship …, 2015
Direct and Intermediated Marketing of Local Foods in the United States. Washington DC: US Department of Agriculture
SA Low, S Vogel
Economic Research Service, Economic Research Report 128, 2011
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