Marin Hasan
Marin Hasan
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet šumarstva i drvne tehnologije
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Biological durability of wood modified by citric acid
R Despot, M Hasan, M Jug, B Šefc
Drvna industrija 59 (2), 55-59, 2008
Dimensional stability of wood modified by citric acid using different catalysts
B Šefc, J Trajković, M Hasan, D Katović, S Bischof Vukušić, M Frančić
Drvna industrija 60 (1), 23-26, 2009
Compression strength of fir and beech wood modified by citric acid
B Šefc, J Trajković, T Sinković, M Hasan, I Ištok
Drvna industrija 63 (1), 45-50, 2012
Fiber characteristics of white poplar (Populus alba L.) juvenile wood along the Drava river
I Ištok, B Šefc, M Hasan, G Popović, T Sedlar
Drv. Ind 68, 241-247, 2017
Changes in selected properties of wood caused by gamma radiation
R Despot, M Hasan, AO Rapp, C Brischke, M Humar, CR Welzbacher, ...
Gamma Radiation, 281-304, 2012
Physicochemical Properties and Fatty Acid Distribution Pattern in Lipids of Eutropiichthys vacha Hamilton-buchanan (Fam. Schilbeidae)
MF Hasan, AH Molla, MS Ahsan, MT Alam
Biological durability of oil heat treated alder wood
R Lacić, M Hasan, J Trajković, B Šefc, B Šafran, R Despot
Drvna industrija 65 (2), 143-150, 2014
Citric acid–promising agent for increased biological effectiveness of wood
M Hasan, R Despot, D Katovic, SB Vukusic, A Bogner, V Jambrekovic
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Wood Modification, 275-278, 2007
Changes in physical, mechanical and chemical properties of wood during sterilisation by gamma radiation
R Despot, M Hasan, C Brischke, CR Welzbacher, AO Rapp
Walter de Gruyter 61 (3), 267-271, 2007
Selected tree characteristics and wood properties of two poplar clones
B Šefc, J Trajković, S Govorčin, R Despot, M Hasan
Wood Research 54 (1), 1-8, 2009
Optimisation of modification of beech wood by citric acid
M Hasan, R Despot, B Šefc, I Ištok, T Sedlar, R Lacić
The sixth European Conference on wood modification, 63-71, 2012
Selected properties of beech wood modified by citric acid
B Šefc, M Hasan, J Trajković, R Despot, M Jug, D Katović, SB Vukušić
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Wood Modification …, 2009
Termički modificireno drvo-materijal današnjice
M Hasan, R Despot
Les 55 (3), 342-345, 2003
Role of modification process at increasing biological durability of wood.
M Hasan, R Despot, J Trajković, B Šefc
Modification of wood with citric acid for increasing biological durability of wood.
M Hasan, R Despot, M Jug
Doprinos istraživanju svojstava peleta od drva turopoljskog kraja
B Šafran, M Jug, K Radmanović, M Hasan, K Augustinović, K Vučković, ...
Šumarski list 142 (3-4), 149-158, 2018
On the changes of natural durability of wood sterilised by gamma radiation
R Despot, M Hasan, M Glavaš, G Rep
The International Research Group on Wood Protection, IRG 37 Anual meeting …, 2006
Pojmovnik hrvatskog drvnotehnološkog nazivlja
A Antonović, R Beljo Lučić, M Brezović, AO Čavlović, D Domljan, I Grbac, ...
Impact of climate change on wood deterioration–Challenges and solutions for cultural heritage and modern structures
C Brischke, AO Rapp, M Hasan, R Despot
Proceedings of: 41st IRG Annual Meeting 9, 13, 2010
The influence of sterilisation by gamma radiation on natural durability of wood
M Hasan, R Despot, T Sinković, V Jambreković, A Bogner, M Humar
Wood Research 53 (4), 23-34, 2008
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