Timothy Kidd
Timothy Kidd
Professor of Physics, University of Northern Iowa
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Electron-hole coupling and the charge density wave transition in TiSe 2
TE Kidd, T Miller, MY Chou, TC Chiang
Physical review letters 88 (22), 226402, 2002
Observation of interlayer phonon modes in van der Waals heterostructures
CH Lui, Z Ye, C Ji, KC Chiu, CT Chou, TI Andersen, C Means-Shively, ...
Physical Review B 91 (16), 165403, 2015
High-Energy Kink Observed in the Electron Dispersion<? format?> of High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors
T Valla, TE Kidd, WG Yin, GD Gu, PD Johnson, ZH Pan, AV Fedorov
Physical Review Letters 98 (16), 167003, 2007
Reconstructed Fermi Surface of Underdoped Cuprate Superconductors
HB Yang, JD Rameau, ZH Pan, GD Gu, PD Johnson, H Claus, DG Hinks, ...
Physical review letters 107 (4), 047003, 2011
Spin-orbit interaction effect in the electronic structure of Bi2Te3 observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
HJ Noh, H Koh, SJ Oh, JH Park, HD Kim, JD Rameau, T Valla, TE Kidd, ...
Europhysics Letters 81 (5), 57006, 2008
Quantum Melting of the Charge-Density-Wave State in
CS Snow, JF Karpus, SL Cooper, TE Kidd, TC Chiang
Physical review letters 91 (13), 136402, 2003
Optimization of titanium alloys turning operation in varied cutting fluid conditions with multiple machining performance characteristics
RS Revuru, JZ Zhang, NR Posinasetti, T Kidd
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95, 1451-1463, 2018
Observation of infrared-active modes in Raman scattering from topological insulator nanoplates
R He, Z Wang, RLJ Qiu, C Delaney, B Beck, TE Kidd, CC Chancey, ...
Nanotechnology 23 (45), 455703, 2012
Quasiparticle Line Shape of and Its Relation to Anisotropic Transport
SC Wang, HB Yang, AKP Sekharan, H Ding, JR Engelbrecht, X Dai, ...
Physical review letters 92 (13), 137002, 2004
Metal–insulator transition in variably doped (Bi 1− x Sb x) 2 Se 3 nanosheets
CH Lee, R He, ZH Wang, RLJ Qiu, A Kumar, C Delaney, B Beck, TE Kidd, ...
Nanoscale 5 (10), 4337-4343, 2013
Surface Charge-Density-Wave Phase Transition
TE Kidd, T Miller, MY Chou, TC Chiang
Physical Review Letters 85 (17), 3684, 2000
Properties of hydrogen terminated diamond as a photocathode
JD Rameau, J Smedley, EM Muller, TE Kidd, PD Johnson
Physical review letters 106 (13), 137602, 2011
Fine details of the nodal electronic excitations in
T Valla, TE Kidd, JD Rameau, HJ Noh, GD Gu, PD Johnson, HB Yang, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (18), 184518, 2006
Orbital Dependence of the Fermi Liquid State in
TE Kidd, T Valla, AV Fedorov, PD Johnson, RJ Cava, MK Haas
Physical review letters 94 (10), 107003, 2005
Core level analysis of the surface charge density wave transition in Sn/Ge (111)
TE Kidd, T Miller, TC Chiang
Physical review letters 83 (14), 2789, 1999
Strontium-barium-titanate thin films by sol-gel processing
A Nazeri, M Kahn, T Kidd
Journal of materials science letters 14, 1085-1088, 1995
Coercivity and exchange bias of in the cluster-glass state
PM Shand, T Rash, M Streicher, TE Kidd, KR Boyle, LH Strauss
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (21), 214413, 2010
Fermisurfaces and energy gaps in Sn/Ge (111)
TC Chiang, MY Chou, T Kidd, T Miller
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (1), R1, 2001
Doping of a one-dimensional Mott insulator: Photoemission and optical studies of
TE Kidd, T Valla, PD Johnson, KW Kim, GD Gu, CC Homes
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (5), 054503, 2008
Laser induced oxidation and optical properties of stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric Bi2Te3 nanoplates
R He, S Sucharitakul, Z Ye, C Keiser, TE Kidd, XPA Gao
Nano Research 8, 851-859, 2015
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