Shripad T. Revankar
Shripad T. Revankar
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Development scheme and key technology of an electric vehicle: An overview
MS Kumar, ST Revankar
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70, 1266-1285, 2017
Sodium borohydride hydrolysis kinetics comparison for nickel, cobalt, and ruthenium boride catalysts
JC Walter, A Zurawski, D Montgomery, M Thornburg, S Revankar
Journal of Power Sources 179 (1), 335-339, 2008
Fuel cells: principles, design, and analysis
ST Revankar, P Majumdar
CRC press, 2014
The three-level scaling approach with application to the Purdue University Multi-Dimensional Integral Test Assembly (PUMA)
M Ishii, ST Revankar, T Leonardi, R Dowlati, ML Bertodano, I Babelli, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 186 (1-2), 177-211, 1998
Local interfacial area measurement in bubbly flow
ST Revankar, M Ishii
International journal of heat and mass transfer 35 (4), 913-925, 1992
Experimental and theoretical investigation of film condensation with noncondensable gas
S Oh, ST Revankar
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49 (15-16), 2523-2534, 2006
Theory and measurement of local interfacial area using a four sensor probe in two-phase flow
ST Revankar, M Ishii
International journal of heat and mass transfer 36 (12), 2997-3007, 1993
Chemical energy storage
ST Revankar
Storage and Hybridization of Nuclear Energy, 177-227, 2019
Scientific design of Purdue University multi-dimensional integral test assembly (PUMA) for GE SBWR
M Ishii, ST Ravankar, R Dowlati
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1996
Effect of noncondensable gas in a vertical tube condenser
S Oh, ST Revankar
Nuclear engineering and design 235 (16), 1699-1712, 2005
Axial development of interfacial area and void concentration profiles measured by double-sensor probe method
WH Leung, ST Revankar, Y Ishii, M Ishii
International journal of heat and mass transfer 38 (3), 445-453, 1995
Advances in betavoltaic power sources
ST Revankar, TE Adams
J. Energy Power Sources 1 (6), 321-329, 2014
Laminar film condensation in a vertical tube in the presence of noncondensable gas
ST Revankar, D Pollock
Applied mathematical modelling 29 (4), 341-359, 2005
Small break critical discharge-The roles of vapor and liquid entrainment in a stratified two-phase region upstream of the break
VE Schrock
Nuclear hydrogen production
ST Revankar
Storage and hybridization of nuclear energy, 49-117, 2019
Fabrication methods and thermal hydraulics analysis of enhanced thermal conductivity UO2–BeO fuel in light water reactors
W Zhou, R Liu, ST Revankar
Annals of Nuclear Energy 81, 240-248, 2015
A review of catalytic sulfur (VI) oxide decomposition experiments
NR Brown, ST Revankar
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (3), 2685-2698, 2012
Jet-plume condensation of steam–air mixtures in subcooled water, Part 1: Experiments
TL Norman, ST Revankar
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240 (3), 524-532, 2010
Analysis of the complete condensation in a vertical tube passive condenser
S Oh, ST Revankar
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 32 (6), 716-727, 2005
Modeling and measurement of thermal properties of ceramic composite fuel for light water reactors
R Latta, ST Revankar, AA Solomon
Heat Transfer Engineering 29 (4), 357-365, 2008
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