Martin Schlipf
Martin Schlipf
VASP Software GmbH
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Advanced capabilities for materials modelling with Quantum ESPRESSO
P Giannozzi, O Andreussi, T Brumme, O Bunau, MB Nardelli, M Calandra, ...
Journal of physics: Condensed matter 29 (46), 465901, 2017
Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations of solids
K Lejaeghere, G Bihlmayer, T Björkman, P Blaha, S Blügel, V Blum, ...
Science 351 (6280), aad3000, 2016
Optimization algorithm for the generation of ONCV pseudopotentials
M Schlipf, F Gygi
Computer Physics Communications 196, 36-44, 2015
Origin of low carrier mobilities in halide perovskites
S Poncé, M Schlipf, F Giustino
ACS Energy Letters 4 (2), 456-463, 2019
Origin of Superconductivity and Latent Charge Density Wave in
C Heil, S Poncé, H Lambert, M Schlipf, ER Margine, F Giustino
Physical review letters 119 (8), 087003, 2017
Carrier Lifetimes and Polaronic Mass Enhancement in the Hybrid Halide Perovskite from Multiphonon Fröhlich Coupling
M Schlipf, S Poncé, F Giustino
Physical Review Letters 121 (8), 086402, 2018
HSE hybrid functional within the FLAPW method and its application to GdN
M Schlipf, M Betzinger, C Friedrich, M Ležaić, S Blügel
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (12), 125142, 2011
Hybrid functionals and GW approximation in the FLAPW method
C Friedrich, M Betzinger, M Schlipf, S Blügel, A Schindlmayr
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (29), 293201, 2012
Melting of Pb Charge Glass and Simultaneous Pb–Cr Charge Transfer in PbCrO3 as the Origin of Volume Collapse
R Yu, H Hojo, T Watanuki, M Mizumaki, T Mizokawa, K Oka, H Kim, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (39), 12719-12728, 2015
Dynamic rashba-dresselhaus effect
M Schlipf, F Giustino
Physical Review Letters 127 (23), 237601, 2021
Quasiparticle band structures and Fermi surfaces of bulk and monolayer
C Heil, M Schlipf, F Giustino
Physical Review B 98 (7), 075120, 2018
GW band structure of monolayer using the SternheimerGW method and effect of dielectric environment
N Zibouche, M Schlipf, F Giustino
Physical Review B 103 (12), 125401, 2021
Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the europium chalcogenides: A hybrid-functional DFT study
M Schlipf, M Betzinger, M Ležaić, C Friedrich, S Blügel
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (9), 094433, 2013
Spin-polarized surface state in euo (100)
J Klinkhammer, M Schlipf, F Craes, S Runte, T Michely, C Busse
Physical review letters 112 (1), 016803, 2014
D Wortmann, G Michalicek, N Baadji, W Beida, M Betzinger, G Bihlmayer, ...
Zenodo, 2023
SternheimerGW: A program for calculating GW quasiparticle band structures and spectral functions without unoccupied states
M Schlipf, H Lambert, N Zibouche, F Giustino
Computer Physics Communications 247, 106856, 2020
Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof Screened-Exchange Hybrid Functional for Complex Materials: All-Electron Implementation and Application
M Schlipf
Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2013
Benchmark phaseless auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo method for small molecules
Z Sukurma, M Schlipf, M Humer, A Taheridehkordi, G Kresse
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19 (15), 4921-4934, 2023
Phaseless auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo with projector-augmented wave method for solids
A Taheridehkordi, M Schlipf, Z Sukurma, M Humer, A Grüneis, G Kresse
The Journal of chemical physics 159 (4), 2023
Approaching the basis-set limit of the dRPA correlation energy with explicitly correlated and projector augmented-wave methods
M Humer, ME Harding, M Schlipf, A Taheridehkordi, Z Sukurma, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (19), 2022
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