Camille Chateau
Camille Chateau
Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées
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A phase-field method for computational modeling of interfacial damage interacting with crack propagation in realistic microstructures obtained by microtomography
TT Nguyen, J Yvonnet, QZ Zhu, M Bornert, C Chateau
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 312, 567-595, 2016
A phase field method to simulate crack nucleation and propagation in strongly heterogeneous materials from direct imaging of their microstructure
TT Nguyen, J Yvonnet, QZ Zhu, M Bornert, C Chateau
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 139, 18-39, 2015
On the choice of parameters in the phase field method for simulating crack initiation with experimental validation
TT Nguyen, J Yvonnet, M Bornert, C Chateau, K Sab, R Romani, ...
International Journal of Fracture 197 (2), 213-226, 2016
Experimental and micromechanical investigation on the mechanical and durability properties of recycled aggregates concrete
A Adessina, AB Fraj, JF Barthélémy, C Chateau, D Garnier
Cement and Concrete Research 126, 105900, 2019
Initiation and propagation of complex 3D networks of cracks in heterogeneous quasi-brittle materials: Direct comparison between in situ testing-microCT …
TT Nguyen, J Yvonnet, M Bornert, C Chateau
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 95, 320-350, 2016
In situ X-ray microtomography characterization of damage in SiCf/SiC minicomposites
C Chateau, L Gélébart, M Bornert, J Crépin, E Boller, C Sauder, W Ludwig
Composites Science and Technology 71 (6), 916-924, 2011
Modeling of damage in unidirectional ceramic matrix composites and multi-scale experimental validation on third generation SiC/SiC minicomposites
C Chateau, L Gélébart, M Bornert, J Crépin, D Caldemaison, C Sauder
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 63, 298-319, 2014
Analysis of the damage initiation in a SiC/SiC composite tube from a direct comparison between large-scale numerical simulation and synchrotron X-ray micro-computed tomography
Y Chen, L Gélébart, C Chateau, M Bornert, C Sauder, A King
International Journal of Solids and Structures 161, 111-126, 2019
DVC‐based image subtraction to detect microcracking in lightweight concrete
C Chateau, TT Nguyen, M Bornert, J Yvonnet
Strain 54 (5), e12276, 2018
Micromechanical modeling of the elastic behavior of unidirectional CVI SiC/SiC composites
C Chateau, L Gélébart, M Bornert, J Crépin
International Journal of Solids and Structures 58, 322-334, 2015
In situ X-ray tomography characterisation of 3D deformation of C/C-SiC composites loaded under tension
Y Chen, Y Shi, C Chateau, J Marrow
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 145, 106390, 2021
Large-scale simulations of quasi-brittle microcracking in realistic highly heterogeneous microstructures obtained from micro CT imaging
TT Nguyen, J Yvonnet, M Bornert, C Chateau, F Bilteryst, E Steib
Extreme mechanics letters 17, 50-55, 2017
Additive Manufacturing of Anisotropic Concrete: a Flow-Based Pultrusion of Continuous Fibers in a Cementitious Matrix.
N Ducoulombier, L Demont, C Chateau, M Bornert, JF Caron
Procedia Manufacturing 47, 1070-1077, 2020
3D detection and quantitative characterization of cracks in a ceramic matrix composite tube using X-ray computed tomography
Y Chen, L Gélébart, C Chateau, M Bornert, A King, P Aimedieu, C Sauder
Experimental Mechanics 60 (3), 409-424, 2020
X‐Ray Tomographic Characterization of the Macroscopic Porosity of Chemical Vapor Infiltration SIC/SIC Composites: Effects on the Elastic Behavior
L Gélébart, C Chateau, M Bornert, J Crépin, E Boller
International Journal Of Applied Ceramic Technology 7 (3), 348-360, 2010
Densities of hemp shiv for building: From multiscale characterisation to application
P Glé, T Lecompte, AH de Ménibus, H Lenormand, S Arufe, C Chateau, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 164, 113390, 2021
Crack initiation and propagation in braided SiC/SiC composite tubes: Effect of braiding angle
Y Chen, L Gélébart, C Chateau, M Bornert, A King, C Sauder, P Aimedieu
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40 (13), 4403-4418, 2020
Multiscale approach of mechanical behaviour of SiC/SiC composites: elastic behaviour at the scale of the tow
C Chateau, L Gélébart, M Bornert, J Crépin, D Caldemaison
Technische mechanik 30, 45-55, 2010
Analyse expérimentale et modélisation micromécaniques du comportement élastique et de l'endommagement de composites SiC/SiC unidirectionnels
C Chateau
Ecole Polytechnique X, 2011
Linking elastic properties of various carbonate rocks to their microstructure by coupling nanoindentation and SEM-EDS
Y Abdallah, M Vandamme, C Chateau, D Garnier, I Jolivet, A Onaisi, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 170, 105456, 2023
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