Arshad Hussain
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Active–Passive Modulator for High-Resolution and Low-Power Applications
A Hussain, SW Sin, CH Chan, F Maloberti, RP Martins
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 25 (1), 364-374, 2016
Radiation characteristics of an inhomogeneous slab using Maslov's method
A Ghaffar, A Hussain, QA Naqvi, K Hongo
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 22 (2-3), 301-312, 2008
Radiation characteristics of the Wood lens using Maslov's method
A Hussain, Q Naqvi, K Hongo
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 73, 107-129, 2007
White rabbit-sensor/actuator protocol for the CERN LHC particle accelerator
P Loschmidt, G Gaderer, N Simanic, A Hussain, P Moreira
SENSORS, 2009 IEEE, 781-786, 2009
Trivalent iron shaped the microbial community structure to enhance the electrochemical performance of microbial fuel cells inoculated with soil and sediment
NA Iqra Sharafata, JafarAli, ArshadHussain César I.Torresd
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (3), 2022
Validating role of different enzymes (laccases and cataleses) based voltammetric biosensors in detection of pesticide and dye
AH Shumaila Rafaqat, Raqba, Naeem Ali
Materials chemistry and physics, 2022
NTF zero compensation technique for passive sigma-delta modulator
A Hussain, SW Sin, U Seng-Pan, RP Martins
2011 Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics …, 2011
Carrier removal rates in 4H–SiC power diodes – A predictive analytical model
MU Amna Siddiqui, Anders Hallen, Arshad Hussain
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (2023) 107771 (167), 2023
Electromagnetic characteristics of a metasurface composed of uncoated and coated spherical particles
AH Zikria Ahmed, Dr. Z.A Awan
Optik, 2020
Spherical Fe2O3 nanoparticles inhibit the production of aflatoxins (B1 and B2) and regulate total soluble solids and titratable acidity of peach fruit
MFHM Mahnoor Akbar a, Naeem Ali b, Muhammad Imran b, Arshad Hussain c, Syed ...
International Journal of Food Microbiology 410, 1-11, 2024
Active-passive delta-sigma modulator ADC for MEMS accelecrometers
A Hussain, M Hanif
2017 International Symposium on Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering …, 2017
Backscattering cross-section from a metamaterial coated sphere covered with a metasurface
AH FR Abbasi, ZA Awan
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies,, 2021
Back-scattering cross section from a tilted thin circular dielectric disk
H Ullah, A Hussain, ZA Awan
Optik 203, 163862, 2020
Hybrid loopfilter sigma-delta modulator with NTF zero compensation
A Hussain, SW Sin, U Seng-Pan, RP Martins
2011 International SoC Design Conference, 76-79, 2011
Design Specification and Simulations of a Miller compensated Operational Amplifier with 75dB Gain
ZA Muhammad Ahmad, Sohail Ahmad, Arshad Hussain
International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinaries: Engineering 1 (1), 2023
Single Low-Gain Amplifier Compensated Hybrid Delta-Sigma Modulator
GSC Arshad Hussain
IET Circuits, Devices and Systems 13 (7), 934-941, 2019
Back-scattered cross section from a sparse distribution of tilted thin dielectric disks
AH ZA Awan
Optik 234, 166551, 2021
Design & Implementation of 5-Stage 32-bit RISC-V Pipeline Processor on FPGA
AH Muhammad Zain Naveed, Muhammad Aamar, Zeeshan Akbar
Multi-Disciplinary Student Research International Conference (MDSRIC), 1-6, 2024
Development of manganese peroxidase based voltammetric biosensor for detection of textile Azo dyes RR 195 & RB 221
NA Shumaila Rafaqat,Bushra Perveen,Raqba,Warda Imran,Arshad Hussain
Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2023
Design of a 92 dB Fully-Integrated Low Voltage Folded Cascode OTA with Class AB Output Buffer and gain-enhancement in 55 nm CMOS Technology
AH Sohail Ahmad, Muhammad Ahmad, Zeeshan Akbar
International Journal of Engineering Multidisciplinaries Engineering 1 (1), 9, 2023
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