Winnifried Wollner
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An augmented-Lagrangian method for the phase-field approach for pressurized fractures
MF Wheeler, T Wick, W Wollner
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 271, 69-85, 2014
Adaptive finite elements for elliptic optimization problems with control constraints
B Vexler, W Wollner
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 47 (1), 509-534, 2008
A selection of benchmark problems in solid mechanics and applied mathematics
J Schröder, T Wick, S Reese, P Wriggers, R Müller, S Kollmannsberger, ...
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 28, 713-751, 2021
DOpElib: Differential equations and optimization environment; A goal oriented software library for solving pdes and optimization problems with pdes
C Goll, T Wick, W Wollner
Archive of Numerical Software 5 (2), 2017
The length of the primal-dual path in Moreau--Yosida-based path-following methods for state constrained optimal control
M Hintermüller, A Schiela, W Wollner
SIAM journal on optimization 24 (1), 108-126, 2014
A posteriori error estimates for a finite element discretization of interior point methods for an elliptic optimization problem with state constraints
W Wollner
Computational Optimization and Applications 47, 133-159, 2010
A phase-field model for fractures in nearly incompressible solids
K Mang, T Wick, W Wollner
Computational Mechanics 65, 61-78, 2020
Adaptive finite element solution of eigenvalue problems: balancing of discretization and iteration error
R Rannacher, A Westenberger, W Wollner
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 18 (4), 303-327, 2010
An optimal control problem governed by a regularized phase-field fracture propagation model
I Neitzel, T Wick, W Wollner
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 55 (4), 2271-2288, 2017
A stochastic gradient method with mesh refinement for PDE-constrained optimization under uncertainty
C Geiersbach, W Wollner
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (5), A2750-A2772, 2020
Mesh adaptivity for quasi‐static phase‐field fractures based on a residual‐type a posteriori error estimator
K Mang, M Walloth, T Wick, W Wollner
GAMM‐Mitteilungen 43 (1), e202000003, 2020
Adaptive optimal control of the obstacle problem
C Meyer, A Rademacher, W Wollner
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (2), A918-A945, 2015
On the pressure approximation in nonstationary incompressible flow simulations on dynamically varying spatial meshes
M Besier, W Wollner
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 69 (6), 1045-1064, 2012
Finite-rank ADI iteration for operator Lyapunov equations
MR Opmeer, T Reis, W Wollner
SIAM Journal on control and optimization, 2013
A priori error estimates for optimal control problems with pointwise constraints on the gradient of the state
C Ortner, W Wollner
Numerische Mathematik 118, 587-600, 2011
Barrier methods for optimal control problems with convex nonlinear gradient state constraints
A Schiela, W Wollner
SIAM Journal on Optimization 21 (1), 269-286, 2011
Optimal L2 velocity error estimate for a modified pressure-robust Crouzeix–Raviart Stokes element
A Linke, C Merdon, W Wollner
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 37 (1), 354-374, 2017
The damped Crank-Nicolson time-marching scheme for the adaptive solution of the Black-Scholes equation
C Goll, R Rannacher, W Wollner
Journal of Computational Finance 18 (4), 1-37, 2015
An optimal control problem governed by a regularized phase-field fracture propagation model. Part II: The regularization limit
I Neitzel, T Wick, W Wollner
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 57 (3), 1672-1690, 2019
Optimization with nonstationary, nonlinear monolithic fluid‐structure interaction
T Wick, W Wollner
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122 (19), 5430-5449, 2021
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