Іжболдіна Олена Олександрівна/Olena Izhboldina/orcid.org/ 0000-0002-8816-2228
Іжболдіна Олена Олександрівна/Olena Izhboldina/orcid.org/ 0000-0002-8816-2228
Дніпропетровський державний аграрно-економічний університет, кафедра ТВППТ
Email yang diverifikasi di dsau.dp.ua - Beranda
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Brown Swiss cows are more heat resistant than Holstein cows under hot summer conditions of the continental climate of Ukraine
R Mylostyvyi, O Lesnovskay, L Karlova, O Khmeleva, O Кalinichenko, ...
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology 9 (4), 0-0, 2021
Changes in the spectrum of free fatty acids in blood serum of dairy cows during a prolonged summer heat wave
R Mylostyvyi, V Sejian, O Izhboldina, O Kalinichenko, L Karlova, ...
Animals 11 (12), 3391, 2021
Microclimate modeling in naturally ventilated dairy barns during the hot season: Checking the accuracy of forecasts
R Mylostyvyi, O Izhboldina, O Chernenko, O Khramkova, N Kapshuk, ...
Journal of Thermal Biology 93, 102720, 2020
The relationship between warm weather and milk yield in Holstein cows
R Mylostyvyi, O Izhboldina, S Midyk, B Gutyj, O Marenkov, V Kozyr
World's Veterinary Journal, 134-143, 2023
Study of variability of winter wheat varieties and lines in terms of winter hardness and drought resistance
M Nazarenko, O Izhboldin, O Izhboldina
AgroLife Scientific Journal 11 (2), 2022
Features of the formation and monitoring of the microclimate in non-insulated barns: unresolved issues
RV Mylostyvyi, MP Vysokos, V Timoshenko, A Muzyka, V Vtoryi, S Vtoryi, ...
Theoretical and Applied Veterinary Medicine 8 (2), 73-85, 2020
Ecological substantiation of the normalization of the state of the air environment in the uninsulated barn in the hot period
RV Mylostyvyi, ОМ Chernenko, OO Izhboldina, AM Puhach, OS Orishchuk, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 9 (3), 84-91, 2019
Climate assessment in modern sustainable cattle barns using temperature-humidity index
R Mylostyvyi, O Izhboldina
Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2019
Biochemical changes during heat stress in productive animals with an emphasis on the antioxidant defense system
D Mylostуva, V Prudnikov, O Kolisnyk, A Lykhach, N Begma, ...
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology 10 (1), 0-0, 2021
The effect of the drug “Bendamine” on the clinical and morphological parameters of dogs in heart failure
IS Varkholiak, BV Gutyj, DF Gufriy, RM Sachuk, RV Mylostyvyi, ...
Ukrainian journal of veterinary and agricultural sciences 4 (3), 76-83, 2021
The influence of piglet weight placed for rearing on their productive quality and efficiency of rearing
MG Povod, OG Mykhalko, OO Izhboldina, BV Gutyj, TV Verbelchuk, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 6 (2), 37-43, 2023
Efektyvnist vykorystannia innovatsiinykh proteinovykh komponentiv v hodivli svynei [Effectiveness of using innovative protein components in pig feeding]
MG Povod, VM Kondratiuk, VY Lykhach, OG Mykhalko, OO Izhboldina, ...
Bulletin of the Sumy National Agrarian University." Livestock" series 2 (49 …, 2022
Закономірності росту молодняку свиней різного походження
ОО Іжболдіна
Вінниця, 2011
Effectiveness of additional mechanical ventilation in naturally ventilated dairy housing barns during heat waves
O Izhboldina, R Mylostyvyi, O Khramkova, O Pavlenko, N Kapshuk, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (3), 56-62, 2020
Influence of heavy metals on physiological and biochemical parameters of Pseudorasbora parva (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae)
OM Marenkov, OO Izhboldina, MM Nazarenko, RV Mylostyvyi, ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 12 (4), 745-752, 2021
Changes in the qualitative composition of the milk of Holstein cows during summer chronic heat stress.
R Mylostyvyi, S Midyk, O Izhboldina, N Cherniy, V Kornienko
Problems of livestock reproduction with a focus on climate change
R Mylostyvyi, O Izhboldina
Multidisciplinary Reviews 4, e2021011-e2021011, 2021
Аналіз стану виробництва продукції тваринництва в Україні
ОО Іжболдіна, ОМ Карамушка, МО Сичова, ІІ Шрамко
Дніпровський державний аграрно-економічний університет, 2021
The effectiveness of an automated heat detection system in Brown Swiss heifers when using sexed semen at a large dairy unit
R Mylosyvyi, P Skliarov, O Izhboldina, О Chernenko, М Lieshchova, ...
Veterinarska stanica 55 (2), 157-167, 2024
Clinical significance of measuring fatty acids in biological fluids of dairy cows (in blood and milk) with a focus on heat stress
R Mylostyvyi, O Izhboldina, S Midyk, N Cherniy, М Lieshchova, P Skliarov, ...
Multidisciplinary Reviews 5 (2), 2022011-2022011, 2022
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