Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - David HolecPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 14
Intermetallic β‐solidifying γ‐TiAl based alloys− from fundamental research to application
S Mayer, P Erdely, FD Fischer, D Holec, M Kastenhuber, T Klein, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 19 (4), 1600735, 2017
Mandat: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Pressure-dependent stability of cubic and wurtzite phases within the TiN–AlN and CrN–AlN systems
D Holec, F Rovere, PH Mayrhofer, PB Barna
Scripta materialia 62 (6), 349-352, 2010
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Thermal stability and oxidation resistance of sputtered TiAlCrN hard coatings
YX Xu, H Riedl, D Holec, L Chen, Y Du, PH Mayrhofer
Surface and Coatings Technology 324, 48-56, 2017
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
First-principles study of the thermodynamic and elastic properties of eutectic Fe–Ti alloys
LF Zhu, M Friák, A Dick, B Grabowski, T Hickel, F Liot, D Holec, ...
Acta materialia 60 (4), 1594-1602, 2012
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Enhanced thermal stability of (Ti, Al) N coatings by oxygen incorporation
DM Holzapfel, D Music, M Hans, S Wolff-Goodrich, D Holec, ...
Acta materialia 218, 117204, 2021
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Correlating structural and mechanical properties of AlN/TiN superlattice films
N Koutná, P Řehák, Z Chen, M Bartosik, M Fallmann, M Černý, Z Zhang, ...
Scripta Materialia 165, 159-163, 2019
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Impact of V, Hf and Si on oxidation processes in Ti–Al–N: Insights from ab initio molecular dynamics
F Guo, D Holec, J Wang, S Li, Y Du
Surface and Coatings Technology 381, 125125, 2020
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
A combinatorial X-ray sub-micron diffraction study of microstructure, residual stress and phase stability in TiAlN coatings
A Riedl, R Daniel, J Todt, M Stefenelli, D Holec, B Sartory, C Krywka, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 257, 108-113, 2014
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Atomistic Modeling‐Based Design of Novel Materials
D Holec, L Zhou, H Riedl, CM Koller, PH Mayrhofer, M Friák, M Šob, ...
Advanced engineering materials 19 (4), 1600688, 2017
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund, German Research Foundation
Real-time atomic-resolution observation of coherent twin boundary migration in CrN
Z Chen, Y Zheng, L Löfler, M Bartosik, H Sheng, C Gammer, D Holec, ...
Acta materialia 208, 116732, 2021
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Predicting an alloying strategy for improving fracture toughness of C15 NbCr2 Laves phase: A first-principles study
Q Long, J Wang, Y Du, D Holec, X Nie, Z Jin
Computational materials science 123, 59-64, 2016
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Spontaneous formation of carbon dots helps to distinguish molecular fluorophores species
IJ Gómez, MV Sulleiro, N Pizúrová, A Bednařík, P Lepcio, D Holec, ...
Applied surface science 610, 155536, 2023
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Spain
Effect of solute Ta on grain refinement of Al-7Si-0.3 Mg based alloys
I Spacil, D Holec, P Schumacher, JH Li
Solid State Phenomena 327, 54-64, 2022
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
HANSIS software tool for the automated analysis of HOLZ lines
D Holec, DVS Rao, CJ Humphreys
Ultramicroscopy 109 (7), 837-844, 2009
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 91
Tunable optoelectronic and ferroelectric properties in Sc-based III-nitrides
S Zhang, D Holec, WY Fu, CJ Humphreys, MA Moram
Journal of applied physics 114 (13), 2013
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Decomposition pathways in age hardening of Ti-Al-N films
R Rachbauer, S Massl, E Stergar, D Holec, D Kiener, J Keckes, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (2), 2011
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Trends in the elastic response of binary early transition metal nitrides
D Holec, M Friák, J Neugebauer, PH Mayrhofer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (6), 064101, 2012
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Phase stability and alloy-related trends in Ti–Al–N, Zr–Al–N and Hf–Al–N systems from first principles
D Holec, R Rachbauer, L Chen, L Wang, D Luef, PH Mayrhofer
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (7), 1698-1704, 2011
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Magnetic properties of the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
O Schneeweiss, M Friák, M Dudová, D Holec, M Šob, D Kriegner, V Holý, ...
Physical Review B 96 (1), 014437, 2017
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Elastic constants and critical thicknesses of ScGaN and ScAlN
S Zhang, WY Fu, D Holec, CJ Humphreys, MA Moram
Journal of applied physics 114 (24), 2013
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission
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