Jerome Aucan
Jerome Aucan
The Pacific Community
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Forcing of resonant modes on a fringing reef during tropical storm Man‐Yi
ACN Péquignet, JM Becker, MA Merrifield, J Aucan
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (3), 2009
Wave setup over a Pacific Island fringing reef
O Vetter, JM Becker, MA Merrifield, AC Pequignet, J Aucan, SJ Boc, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C12), 2010
A numerical model for free infragravity waves: Definition and validation at regional and global scales
F Ardhuin, A Rawat, J Aucan
Ocean Modelling 77, 20-32, 2014
SMART cables for observing the global ocean: science and implementation
BM Howe, BK Arbic, J Aucan, CR Barnes, N Bayliff, N Becker, R Butler, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 424, 2019
Estimates of tidal mixing in the Indonesian archipelago from multidisciplinary INDOMIX in-situ data
A Koch-Larrouy, A Atmadipoera, P Van Beek, G Madec, J Aucan, F Lyard, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 106, 136-153, 2015
Tidal mixing events on the deep flanks of Kaena Ridge, Hawaii
J Aucan, MA Merrifield, DS Luther, P Flament
Journal of Physical Oceanography 36 (6), 1202-1219, 2006
Changes in partitioning of carbon amongst photosynthetic pico-and nano-plankton groups in the Sargasso Sea in response to changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation
JR Casey, JP Aucan, SR Goldberg, MW Lomas
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 93, 58-70, 2013
Wind, waves, and acoustic background levels at Station ALOHA
FK Duennebier, R Lukas, EM Nosal, J Aucan, RA Weller
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C3), 2012
Observations of surf infrasound in Hawai ‘i
M Garcés, C Hetzer, M Merrifield, M Willis, J Aucan
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (24), 2003
Wave navigation in the Marshall Islands: Comparing indigenous and Western scientific knowledge of the ocean
J Genz, J Aucan, M Merrifield, B Finney, K Joel, A Kelen
Oceanography 22 (2), 234-245, 2009
Infragravity waves in the deep ocean: An upward revision
J Aucan, F Ardhuin
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (13), 3435-3439, 2013
Tidal asymmetry in creeks surrounded by saltflats and mangroves with small swamp slopes
J Aucan, PV Ridd
Wetlands Ecology and Management 8, 223-232, 2000
Infragravity waves across the oceans
A Rawat, F Ardhuin, V Ballu, W Crawford, C Corela, J Aucan
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (22), 7957-7963, 2014
Coastal ocean and nearshore observation: A French case study
L Cocquempot, C Delacourt, J Paillet, P Riou, J Aucan, B Castelle, ...
Regional circulation around New Caledonia from two decades of observations
S Cravatte, E Kestenare, G Eldin, A Ganachaud, J Lefèvre, F Marin, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 148, 249-271, 2015
A numerical model for ocean ultra-low frequency noise: Wave-generated acoustic-gravity and Rayleigh modes
F Ardhuin, T Lavanant, M Obrebski, L Marié, JY Royer, JF d'Eu, BM Howe, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (4), 3242-3259, 2013
Wave‐driven sea level anomalies at the Midway tide gauge as an index of North Pacific storminess over the past 60 years
J Aucan, R Hoeke, MA Merrifield
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (17), 2012
Infrasound from large surf
M Garcés, J Aucan, D Fee, P Caron, M Merrifield, R Gibson, ...
Geophysical research letters 33 (5), 2006
The Bouraké semi-enclosed lagoon (New Caledonia)–a natural laboratory to study the lifelong adaptation of a coral reef ecosystem to extreme environmental conditions
F Maggioni, M Pujo-Pay, J Aucan, C Cerrano, B Calcinai, C Payri, ...
Biogeosciences 18 (18), 5117-5140, 2021
New Caledonia
CE Payri, V Allain, J Aucan, C David, V David, C Dutheil, L Loubersac, ...
World Seas: an Environmental Evaluation, 593-618, 2019
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