Xiaoxiang Zhang
Xiaoxiang Zhang
Associate Professor, University of Sussex
Email yang diverifikasi di sussex.ac.uk - Beranda
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Ownership structure and innovation: An emerging market perspective
VZ Chen, J Li, DM Shapiro, X Zhang
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 31 (1), 1-24, 2014
Multiple agency perspective, family control, and private information abuse in an emerging economy
I Filatotchev, X Zhang, J Piesse
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 28 (1), 69-93, 2011
Informed trading by foreign institutional investors as a constraint on tunneling: Evidence from China
X Zhang, X Yang, R Strange, Q Zhang
Corporate Governance: An International Review 25 (4), 222-235, 2017
Stakeholder orientation and organisational performance in an emerging market
X He, X Zhang, X Li, J Piesse
Journal of General Management 36 (3), 67-91, 2011
Performance measurement systems, TQM and multi-level firm performance: a person–organisation fit perspective
JT Wei, YW Chang, X Zhang, HH Wu, YT Tang
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 30 (15-16), 1578-1595, 2019
Financial integration, investor protection and imbalanced optimistically biased information timeliness in emerging markets
X Zhang, Q Zhang, D Chen, J Gu
International Review of Financial Analysis 64, 38-56, 2019
Family control, multiple institutional block-holders, and informed trading
X Zhang, J Piesse, I Filatotchev
The European Journal of Finance 21 (10-11), 826-847, 2015
Family firm and analyst forecasts in an emerging economy
X Zhang, JT Wei, HH Wu
Management Decision, 2017
How the corporate governance mechanisms affect bank risk taking
E Mamatzakis, X Zhang, C Wang
Market discipline or rent extraction: Impacts of share trading by foreign institutional investors in different corporate governance and investor protection environments
Q Zhang, X Zhang, D Chen, R Strange
International Review of Financial Analysis 79, 101965, 2022
Forced financial information restatements and management turnover: Market discipline and large family shareholders’ intervention in an emerging economy
X Zhang, JT Wei, HH Wu
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 30 (4), 1005-1029, 2013
Executive compensation, board independence and bank efficiency in China: the effects of the financial crisis
P Molyneux, H Linh, Zhang, X.
Retrieved from pdfs. semanticscholar. org, 2014
The impacts of economic importance difference of a joint venture (JV) held by partners and partners' size difference on the extraction of rivalrous and non-rivalrous private …
X Zhang, J Wen
International Review of Financial Analysis 48, 46-54, 2016
Credit Rating Agencies and Bank Performance in Emerging Economies: The Effects of Credit Rating, Bank Regulation and Investor Protection Quality
E Mamatzakis, XX Zhang, W Hu
Bank Regulation and Investor Protection Quality (January 17, 2017), 2017
Family control, multiple institutional blockholders, and informed trading in an Emerging Market
X Zhang, J Piesse, I Filatotchev
Controlling families and institutional blockholders in corporate governance, informed trading in an emerging market
X Zhang, J Piesse, I Filatotchev
A Comparison of the Impact of Largest Family Shareholders and Institutional Block-holders on Informed Trading: Evidence from Hong Kong
X Zhanga, J Piesseb, I Filatotchevc
EMG Working Paper Series, 2009
Extraction of Private Benefits of Control by Families: Tunnelling and Trading in a Private Information Environment
X Zhang, I Filatotchev, J Piesse
Multiple Agency Perspective, Family Control and Private Information Risk in Emerging Markets
X Zhang, I Filatotchev, J Piesse
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