Anatoliy Kabar
Anatoliy Kabar
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
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Interspecific differences of antioxidant ability of introduced Chaenomeles species with respect to adaptation to the steppe zone conditions
N Khromykh, Y Lykholat, L Shupranova, A Kabar, O Didur, T Lykholat, ...
Biosystems Diversity 26 (2), 132-138, 2018
Variability of the antioxidant properties of Berberis fruits depending on the plant species and conditions of habitat
NO Khromykh, YV Lykholat, IM Kovalenko, AM Kabar, OO Didur, ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 9 (1), 56-61, 2018
Industrial characteristics and consumer properties of Chaenomeles Lindl. fruits
YV Lykholat, NO Khromykh, TY Lykholat, OO Didur, OA Lykholat, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 9 (3), 132-137, 2019
Nematicidal activity of aqueous tinctures of medicinal plants against larvae of the nematodes Strongyloides papillosus and Haemonchus contortus
OO Boyko, AM Kabar, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 28 (1), 119-123, 2020
Introduction success of less common species from the genus Berberis L.
YV Lykholat, NO Khromykh, TY Lykholat, OM Bobrova, OO Didur, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 9 (4), 634-640, 2019
Activity and isoenzyme composition of peroxidase in the vegetative organs of Japanese quince under steppe zone conditions
Y Prisedsky, A Kabar, Y Lykholat, N Martynova, L Shupranova
Biologija 63 (2), 2017
Features of the fruit epicuticular waxes of Prunus persica cultivars and hybrids concerning pathogens susceptibility
YV Lykholat, NO Khromykh, OO Didur, VR Davydov, TV Sklyar, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (1), 261-266, 2021
Effect of alimentary synthetic estrogen on cell compensatory mechanisms in rats of different ages
O Yermishev, T Lykholat, O Lykholat
Cuticular wax composition of mature leaves of species and hybrids of the genus Prunus differing in resistance to clasterosporium disease
NO Khromykh, YV Lykholat, AA Anishchenko, OO Didur, AA Gaponov, ...
Biosystems Diversity 28 (4), 370-375, 2020
Enzymes and Peroxidase Isoforms Variation in the Dormant Buds of Fruit Plants Introduced in the Steppe Zone
A Kabar, N Khromykh, L Shupranova, Y Lykholat
Agrobiodiversity for improving nutrition, health and life quality. Nitra …, 2016
Self-restoration of woody plants in the conditions of the Botanical Garden of Dnipro National University
MV Shamray, OY Pakhomov, AM Kabar
Ecology and Noospherology 32 (1), 47-50, 2021
Antibacterial and fungicidal effect of ethanol extracts from Juniperus sabina, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Pseudotsuga menziesii and Cephalotaxus harringtonia
VV Zazharskyi, PО Davydenko, OМ Kulishenko, IV Borovik, AM Kabar, ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 11 (1), 105-109, 2020
Characterization of β-Tubulin Genes in Prunus persica and Prunus dulcis for Fingerprinting of their Interspecific Hybrids
YV Lykholat, AM Rabokon, RY Blume, NO Khromykh, OO Didur, ...
Cytology and Genetics 56 (6), 481-493, 2022
Katalog rasteniy botanicheskogo sada Dnepropetrovskogo natsionalnogo universiteta imeni Olesya Gonchara [Plant Catalogue of Oles Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University …
VF Opanasenko, AN Kabar, NV Martynova, LL Rusetzkaya, ...
Dnepropetrovsk, Lira, 191-197, 2015
Интродукция и селекция межвидовых гибридных форм нектарина (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch var. nucipersica) в Днепропетровском ботаническом саду
АН Кабар, ВФ Опанасенко, ЕП Шоферистов
Plant varieties studying and protection, 39-43, 2009
Эколого-биологические свойства почвенного покрова ботанического сада Днепропетровского национального университета (становление, охрана, рациональное использование): Автореф …
АН Кабар
Днепропетровск: ДНУ, 2003
Biological and ecological features of soil cover in Botanical garden of Dnepropetrovsk State University (formation, development, sustainable use)
AN Kabar
Dnepropetrovsk (in Russian), 2003
Каталог растений ботанического сада Днепропетровского национального университета имени Олеся Гончара
ВФ Опанасенко, АН Кабар, НВ Мартынова, ЛЛ Русецкая, ...
Д.: Лира, 8-80, 2015
Новые селекционные семенные подвои косточковых культур для нектарина
ЕП Шоферистов, АН Кабар, ВФ Опанасенко, ДА Челомбит, НА Луцай
Бюллетень Государственного Никитского ботанического сада, 45-52, 2015
Перспективы использования гибридов между нектарином (Prunus persica L. batscf subsp. Nectarina (Ait.) shof.) и миндалем (Prunus amygdalus Batsch) в селекции сортов и подвоев
АН Кабар, ЕП Шоферистов, ЕБ Поддубцева
Plant varieties studying and protection, 15-19, 2011
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