Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
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Facing the cold start problem in recommender systems
B Lika, K Kolomvatsos, S Hadjiefthymiades
Expert systems with applications 41 (4), 2065-2073, 2014
Challenges and opportunities of waste management in IoT-enabled smart cities: A survey
T Anagnostopoulos, A Zaslavsky, K Kolomvatsos, A Medvedev, P Amirian, ...
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2 (3), 275-289, 2017
Context awareness in mobile computing environments
CB Anagnostopoulos, A Tsounis, S Hadjiefthymiades
Wireless Personal Communications 42, 445-464, 2007
Assessing dynamic models for high priority waste collection in smart cities
T Anagnostopoulos, K Kolomvatsos, C Anagnostopoulos, A Zaslavsky, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 110, 178-192, 2015
Multisensor data fusion for fire detection
E Zervas, A Mpimpoudis, C Anagnostopoulos, O Sekkas, ...
Information Fusion 12 (3), 150-159, 2011
Augmented and virtual reality based monitoring and safety system: A prototype IoT platform
MF Alam, S Katsikas, O Beltramello, S Hadjiefthymiades
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 89, 109-119, 2017
Predicting the location of mobile users: a machine learning approach
T Anagnostopoulos, C Anagnostopoulos, S Hadjiefthymiades, ...
Proceedings of the 2009 international conference on Pervasive services, 65-72, 2009
Using proxy cache relocation to accelerate web browsing in wireless/mobile communications
S Hadjiefthymiades, L Merakos
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web, 26-35, 2001
Situational computing: An innovative architecture with imprecise reasoning
CB Anagnostopoulos, Y Ntarladimas, S Hadjiefthymiades
Journal of Systems and Software 80 (12), 1993-2014, 2007
Semantically enriched navigation for indoor environments
V Tsetsos, C Anagnostopoulos, P Kikiras, S Hadjiefthymiades
International Journal of Web and Grid Services 2 (4), 453-478, 2006
EmerLoc: Location-based services for emergency medical incidents
I Maglogiannis, S Hadjiefthymiades
International journal of medical informatics 76 (10), 747-759, 2007
OntoNav: A semantic indoor navigation system
C Anagnostopoulos, V Tsetsos, P Kikiras, S Hadjiefthymiades
Scenarios of using web services in m-commerce
T Pilioura, A Tsalgatidou, S Hadjiefthymiades
ACM SIGecom Exchanges 3 (4), 28-36, 2002
Enabling location privacy and medical data encryption in patient telemonitoring systems
I Maglogiannis, L Kazatzopoulos, K Delakouridis, S Hadjiefthymiades
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 13 (6), 946-954, 2009
Mobile e-commerce and location-based services: Technology and requirements.
A Tsalgatidou, J Veijalainen, J Markkula, A Katasonov, ...
ScanGIS 2003, 1-14, 2003
An efficient time optimized scheme for progressive analytics in big data
K Kolomvatsos, C Anagnostopoulos, S Hadjiefthymiades
Big Data Research 2 (4), 155-165, 2015
Mobility prediction based on machine learning
T Anagnostopoulos, C Anagnostopoulos, S Hadjiefthymiades
2011 IEEE 12th International Conference on Mobile Data Management 2, 27-30, 2011
A human-centered semantic navigation system for indoor environments
V Tsetsos, C Anagnostopoulos, P Kikiras, P Hasiotis, S Hadjiefthymiades
ICPS'05. Proceedings. International Conference on Pervasive Services, 2005 …, 2005
Enhancing situation-aware systems through imprecise reasoning
C Anagnostopoulos, S Hadjiefthymiades
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 7 (10), 1153-1168, 2008
Supporting IP QoS in the general packet radio service
G Priggouris, S Hadjiefthymiades, L Merakos
IEEE network 14 (5), 8-17, 2000
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