Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Michel RappazPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 1
Microstructure Map of Rapidly Solidified 17-4PH Stainless Steel
A McDonald, A Shao, K Meszaros, A Qureshi, M Rappaz, T Wolfe, ...
Conference of Metallurgists, 489-492, 2023
Mandat: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 12
Dendritic growth morphologies in Al-Zn alloys—Part II: Phase-field computations
JA Dantzig, P Di Napoli, J Friedli, M Rappaz
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 44, 5532-5543, 2013
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
Development of a laser-based heating system for in situ synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy
JL Fife, M Rappaz, M Pistone, T Celcer, G Mikuljan, M Stampanoni
Synchrotron Radiation 19 (3), 352-358, 2012
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
Competition of the primary and peritectic phases in hypoperitectic Cu–Sn alloys solidified at low speed in a diffusive regime
J Valloton, JD Wagnière, M Rappaz
Acta materialia 60 (9), 3840-3848, 2012
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
Phase-field modeling of the dendrite orientation transition in Al-Zn alloys
J Friedli, P Di Napoli, M Rappaz, JA Dantzig
IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering 33 (1), 012111, 2012
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
Modeling of peritectic coupled growth in Cu–Sn alloys
J Valloton, JA Dantzig, M Plapp, M Rappaz
Acta materialia 61 (15), 5549-5560, 2013
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
The influence of solid–liquid interfacial energy anisotropy on equilibrium shapes, nucleation, triple lines and growth morphologies
M Rappaz, J Friedli, A Mariaux, M Salgado-Ordorica
Scripta materialia 62 (12), 904-909, 2010
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
EBSD: a powerful microstructure analysis technique in the field of solidification
E BOEHM‐COURJAULT, F Gonzales, A Jacot, F Kohler, A Mariaux, ...
Journal of microscopy 233 (1), 160-169, 2009
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
Numerical model of rapidly solidified droplets of Al–33 wt pct Cu eutectic growth
J Valloton, AA Bogno, M Rappaz, H Henein
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1-10, 2022
Mandat: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Rapid solidification of Al-Cu droplets of near eutectic composition
AA Bogno, J Valloton, DD Jimenez, M Rappaz, H Henein
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 529 (1), 012021, 2019
Mandat: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Tailored solidification microstructures for innovative use of high-density materials in lightweight products
AA Bogno, J Valloton, M Rappaz, A Qureshi, H Henein
Journal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems 5, 100061, 2024
Mandat: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Modeling of percolation of globular-equiaxed grains in Al-Cu alloys
C Mondoux, H Combeau, JL Desbiolles, M Rappaz
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 84 (1), 012081, 2015
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
J Friedli, A Mariaux, F Gonzales, M Rappaz
Modeling Of Casting, Welding, And Advanced Solidification Processes-Xii, 627-634, 2009
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
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