Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Dario GiannottiPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 3
Local structure and morphological evolution of ZnTPP molecules grown on Fe (001)-p (1× 1) O studied by STM and NEXAFS
A Picone, D Giannotti, A Brambilla, G Bussetti, A Calloni, R Yivlialin, ...
Applied Surface Science 435, 841-847, 2018
Mandat: Government of Italy
Atomic scale insights into the early stages of metal oxidation: A scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy study of cobalt oxidation
A Picone, M Riva, A Brambilla, D Giannotti, O Ivashko, G Bussetti, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (9), 5233-5241, 2016
Mandat: Government of Italy
Growth and oxidation of vanadium ultra-thin buffer layers on Fe (001)
A Picone, D Giannotti, M Finazzi, F Ciccacci, A Brambilla
Spintronics IX 9931, 414-422, 2016
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 12
MariX, an advanced MHz-class repetition rate X-ray source for linear regime time-resolved spectroscopy and photon scattering
L Serafini, A Bacci, A Bellandi, M Bertucci, M Bolognesi, A Bosotti, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2019
Mandat: Government of Italy
BriXS, a new X-ray inverse Compton source for medical applications
P Cardarelli, A Bacci, R Calandrino, F Canella, R Castriconi, S Cialdi, ...
Physica Medica 77, 127-137, 2020
Mandat: Government of Italy
Controlling the Electronic and Structural Coupling of C60 Nano Films on Fe(001) through Oxygen Adsorption at the Interface
A Picone, D Giannotti, M Riva, A Calloni, G Bussetti, G Berti, L Duò, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (39), 26418-26424, 2016
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
Enhanced magnetic hybridization of a spinterface through insertion of a two-dimensional magnetic oxide layer
A Brambilla, A Picone, D Giannotti, A Calloni, G Berti, G Bussetti, S Achilli, ...
Nano Letters 17 (12), 7440-7446, 2017
Mandat: Government of Italy
Mesoscopic organization of cobalt thin films on clean and oxygen-saturated Fe (001) surfaces
M Riva, A Picone, D Giannotti, A Brambilla, G Fratesi, G Bussetti, L Duo, ...
Physical Review B 92 (11), 115434, 2015
Mandat: Government of Italy
Graphene as an Ideal Buffer Layer for the Growth of High-Quality Ultrathin Cr2O3 Layers on Ni(111)
A Lodesani, A Picone, A Brambilla, D Giannotti, MS Jagadeesh, A Calloni, ...
ACS nano 13 (4), 4361-4367, 2019
Mandat: Government of Italy
A new method for spatial mode shifting of stabilized optical cavities for the generation of dual-color X-rays
E Suerra, D Giannotti, F Canella, I Drebot, S Capra, D Cipriani, G Mettivier, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2021
Mandat: Government of Italy
Magnetic anisotropy at the buried CoO/Fe interface
D Giannotti, H Hedayat, G Vinai, A Picone, A Calloni, G Berti, M Riva, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (23), 2016
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
Self-organized nano-structuring of CoO islands on Fe (001)
A Brambilla, A Picone, D Giannotti, M Riva, G Bussetti, G Berti, A Calloni, ...
Applied Surface Science 362, 374-379, 2016
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo, Government of Italy
Magnetic properties of the CoO/Fe (001) system with a bottom-up engineered interface
A Brambilla, A Picone, D Giannotti, A Calloni, G Berti, H Hedayat, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 475, 54-59, 2019
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
Carrier-envelope offset frequency measurement by means of an external optical resonator
D Giannotti, E Suerra, F Canella, S Cialdi, P Laporta, G Galzerano
Frontiers in Physics 11, 1197654, 2023
Mandat: Government of Italy
Observation of a Metastable Honeycomb Arrangement of C60 on Ni(111) with (7 × 7) Periodicity: Tailoring an Interface for Organic Spintronics
A Picone, M Finazzi, L Duò, D Giannotti, F Ciccacci, A Brambilla
ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (12), 12993-13000, 2021
Mandat: European Commission
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