Flávio Assis
Flávio Assis
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Bahia (DCC-UFBA)
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An approach for providing mobile agent fault tolerance
FM Assis Silva, R Popescu-Zeletin
International Workshop on Mobile Agents, 14-25, 1998
Internet of Intelligent Things: A convergence of embedded systems, edge computing and machine learning
F Oliveira, DG Costa, F Assis, I Silva
Internet of Things, 101153, 2024
The mobile groups approach for the coordination of mobile agents
RJA Macêdo, FMA Silva
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 65 (3), 275-288, 2005
MASPOT: A mobile agent system for Sun SPOT
R Lopes, F Assis, C Montez
2011 Tenth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, 25-31, 2011
Mobile agent-based transactions in open environments
FM de Assis Silva, R Popescu-Zeletin
IEICE Transactions on Communications 83 (5), 973-987, 2000
A distributed transaction model based on mobile agents
FMA Silva, S Krause
Mobile Agents: First International Workshop, MA'97 Berlin, Germany, April 7 …, 1997
A transaction model based on mobile agents
F Assis Silva
MAGNA-a DPE-based platform for mobile agents in electronic service markets
S Krause, FM de Assis Silva, T Magedanz, R Popescu-Zeletin, ...
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized …, 1997
Reliability requirements in mobile agent systems
FM de Assis Silva, RJ de Araújo Macêdo
Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas (WTF), 4-9, 2000
Coordination of mobile processes with mobile groups
RJA Macêdo, FMA Silva
Proceedings International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 177-186, 2002
Mobile agents in autonomous decentralized systems
MDJ Mendes, FMDA Silva
Proceedings. Fourth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized …, 1999
Agents skills and their roles in mobile computing and personal communications
M Mendes, W Loyolla, T Magedanz, FMA Silva, S Krause
Mobile Communications: Technology, tools, applications, authentication and …, 1996
Specification and verification of the IEEE 802.11 medium access control and an analysis of its applicability to real-time systems
FJR Barboza, AMS Andrade, FA Silva, G Lima
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 195, 3-20, 2008
Reliable communication for mobile agents with mobile groups
FMA Silva, RJA Macêdo
Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering and Mobility (co-located …, 2001
Integrating mobility into groups
RJA Macêdo, FM Silva
European Research Seminar on Advances in Distributed Systems (ERSADS), 2001
Reliability requirements in Mobile Agent Systems. II WTF
FM Assis Silva, RJA Macedo
SBC Curitiba Julho, 2000
Simulation of the effects of evaporation ducts on maritime wireless communication
VS Cruz, F Assis, L Schnitman
Wireless Networks 27 (7), 4677-4691, 2021
A framework for supporting the development of correct mobile applications based on graph grammars
FL Dotti, LM Duarte, FA Silva, AS Andrade
6th World Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology, 1-9, 2002
A distributed algorithm to schedule TSCH links under the SINR model
JC da Silva, F Assis
Design Automation for Embedded Systems 23, 21-39, 2019
An iot platform for the development of low-cost emergencies detection units based on soft sensors
F Oliveira, DG Costa, F Assis
2022 IEEE international smart cities conference (ISC2), 1-4, 2022
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