Thomas Besselmann
Thomas Besselmann
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Email yang diverifikasi di fhnw.ch
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Explicit MPC for LPV systems: Stability and optimality
T Besselmann, J Lofberg, M Morari
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (9), 2322-2332, 2012
Power electronic traction transformer: Efficiency improvements under light-load conditions
T Besselmann, A Mester, D Dujic
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (8), 3971-3981, 2013
A hybrid approach to modelling, control and state estimation of mechanical systems with backlash
P Rostalski, T Besselmann, M Barić, FV Belzen, M Morari
International Journal of Control 80 (11), 1729-1740, 2007
Model predictive anti-surge control of centrifugal compressors with variable-speed drives
A Cortinovis, D Pareschi, M Mercangoez, T Besselmann
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (8), 251-256, 2012
A parametric branch and bound approach to suboptimal explicit hybrid MPC
D Axehill, T Besselmann, DM Raimondo, M Morari
Automatica 50 (1), 240-246, 2014
Model predictive control in the multi-megawatt range
TJ Besselmann, S Almér, P Jörg, HJ Ferreau
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (7), 4641-4648, 2015
Autonomous vehicle steering using explicit LPV-MPC
T Besselmann, M Morari
2009 European Control Conference (ECC), 2628-2633, 2009
Hybrid parameter-varying model predictive control for autonomous vehicle steering
T Besselmann, M Morari
European Journal of Control 14 (5), 418-431, 2008
Model predictive control of load-commutated inverter-fed synchronous machines
TJ Besselmann, S Almér, HJ Ferreau
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (10), 7384-7393, 2015
Parallel implementations of the fast gradient method for high-speed MPC
H Peyrl, A Zanarini, T Besselmann, J Liu, MA Boéchat
Control Engineering Practice 33, 22-34, 2014
Explicit model predictive control for systems with linear parameter-varying state transition matrix
T Besselmann, J Löfberg, M Morari
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 13163-13168, 2008
Increasing the robustness of large electric driven compressor systems during voltage dips
TJ Besselmann, A Cortinovis, AM Ditlefsen, M Mercangöz, H Fretheim, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (2), 1460-1468, 2017
Constrained optimal control: piecewise affine and linear parameter-varying systems
T Besselmann
ETH Zurich, 2010
Explicit LPV-MPC with bounded rate of parameter variation
T Besselmann, J Löfberg, M Morari
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (6), 7-12, 2009
Torque harmonic minimization for load commutated inverters in pulse mode
TJ Besselmann, S Almér, P Jörg
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (1), 86-93, 2017
An architecture for solving quadratic programs with the fast gradient method on a Field Programmable Gate Array
MA Boéchat, J Liu, H Peyrl, A Zanarini, T Besselmann
21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 1557-1562, 2013
Constrained time-optimal control of linear parameter-varying systems
T Besselmann, J Löfberg, M Morari
Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009
Max–Min Optimal Control of Constrained Discrete-time Systems
M Barić, SV Raković, T Besselmann, M Morari
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 8803-8808, 2008
Partial torque ride through with model predictive control
T Besselmann, P Jorg, T Knutsen, E Lunde, TO Stava
2016 Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference Europe (PCIC Europe), 1-8, 2016
Nonlinear model predictive torque control of a load commutated inverter and synchronous machine
S Almér, T Besselmann, J Ferreau
2014 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014-ECCE …, 2014
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