The rolling body motion of a rigid body on a plane and a sphere. Hierarchy of dynamics AV Borisov, IS Mamaev arXiv preprint nlin/0306002, 2003 | 212 | 2003 |
Динамика твердого тела АВ Борисов, ИС Мамаев Научно-издательский центр" Регулярная и хаотическая динамика", 2001 | 196 | 2001 |
Rigid body dynamics A Borisov, IS Mamaev Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2018 | 163 | 2018 |
The rolling motion of a ball on a surface. New integrals and hierarchy of dynamics AV Borisov, IS Mamaev, AA Kilin arXiv preprint nlin/0303024, 2003 | 157 | 2003 |
Rigid body dynamics: Hamiltonian methods, integrability, chaos AV Borisov, IS Mamaev Gao deng jiao yu chu ban she, 2018 | 156* | 2018 |
The hierarchy of dynamics of a rigid body rolling without slipping and spinning on a plane and a sphere AV Borisov, IS Mamaev, IA Bizyaev Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 18, 277-328, 2013 | 147 | 2013 |
How to control Chaplygin’s sphere using rotors AV Borisov, AA Kilin, IS Mamaev Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 17, 258-272, 2012 | 145 | 2012 |
Conservation laws, hierarchy of dynamics and explicit integration of nonholonomic systems AV Borisov, IS Mamaev Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 13, 443-490, 2008 | 145 | 2008 |
On a motion of a heavy body of revolution on a horizontal plane A Borisov, I Mamaev, A Kilin Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 7 (2), 119-130, 2002 | 138 | 2002 |
Динамика твердого тела: Гамильтоновы методы, интегрируемость, хаос АВ Борисов, ИС Мамаев Научно-издательский центр" Регулярная и хаотическая динамика", 2005 | 126 | 2005 |
Strange attractors in rattleback dynamics AV Borisov, IS Mamaev Physics-Uspekhi 46 (4), 393, 2003 | 124 | 2003 |
Topology and stability of integrable systems AV Bolsinov, AV Borisov, IS Mamaev Russian Mathematical Surveys 65 (2), 259, 2010 | 116 | 2010 |
How to control the Chaplygin ball using rotors. II AV Borisov, AA Kilin, IS Mamaev Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 18, 144-158, 2013 | 99 | 2013 |
Математические методы динамики вихревых структур АВ Борисов, ИС Мамаев Автономная некоммерческая организация Ижевский институт компьютерных …, 2005 | 96 | 2005 |
Poisson structures and Lie algebras in Hamiltonian mechanics AV Borisov, IS Mamaev Publisher House Udmurt University, Izhevsk 464, 1999 | 95 | 1999 |
Dynamics of rolling disk AV Borisov, IS Mamaev, AA Kilin arXiv preprint nlin/0502039, 2005 | 92 | 2005 |
Mathematical methods in the dynamics of vortex structures AV Borisov, IS Mamaev Institute of Computer Sciences, Moscow–Izhevsk 368, 2005 | 91 | 2005 |
Hamiltonization of non-holonomic systems in the neighborhood of invariant manifolds AV Bolsinov, AV Borisov, IS Mamaev Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 16, 443-464, 2011 | 82 | 2011 |
Two-body problem on a sphere. Reduction, stochasticity, periodic orbits AV Borisov, IS Mamaev, AA Kilin arXiv preprint nlin/0502027, 2005 | 77 | 2005 |
Chaplygin's ball rolling problem is Hamiltonian AV Borisov, IS Mamaev Matematicheskie Zametki 70 (5), 793-795, 2001 | 75 | 2001 |