Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Gianlorenzo BussettiPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 12
Disclosing the graphite surface chemistry in acid solutions for anion intercalation
S De Rosa, P Branchini, R Yivlialin, L Duo, G Bussetti, L Tortora
ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (1), 691-698, 2019
Mandat: Government of Italy
Local structure and morphological evolution of ZnTPP molecules grown on Fe (001)-p (1× 1) O studied by STM and NEXAFS
A Picone, D Giannotti, A Brambilla, G Bussetti, A Calloni, R Yivlialin, ...
Applied Surface Science 435, 841-847, 2018
Mandat: Government of Italy
Vacuum-deposited porphyrin protective films on graphite: electrochemical atomic force microscopy investigation during anion intercalation
R Yivlialin, G Bussetti, M Penconi, A Bossi, F Ciccacci, M Finazzi, L Duò
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (4), 4100-4105, 2017
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
Atomic scale insights into the early stages of metal oxidation: A scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy study of cobalt oxidation
A Picone, M Riva, A Brambilla, D Giannotti, O Ivashko, G Bussetti, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (9), 5233-5241, 2016
Mandat: Government of Italy
Magnetic properties of monolayer range chromium oxides on Fe (001)
A Brambilla, G Berti, A Calloni, A Picone, M Riva, G Bussetti, S Nappini, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (12), 2013
Mandat: Government of Italy
Chemical characterization of fluorinated/hydrogenated mixed monolayers grafted on gold nanoparticles
I Tirotta, A Calloni, C Pigliacelli, A Brambilla, G Bussetti, L Duò, ...
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 206, 99-107, 2018
Mandat: Government of Italy
Porphycene protonation: a fast and reversible reaction enabling optical transduction for acid sensing
A Bossi, J Waluk, R Yivlialin, M Penconi, M Campione, G Bussetti
ChemPhotoChem 4 (11), 5264-5270, 2020
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo, Government of Italy
Photoemission study of the Poly (3-hexylthiophene)/TiO2 interface and the role of 4-Mercaptopyridine
A Calloni, G Berti, A Ferrari, A Brambilla, G Bussetti, EV Canesi, ...
Thin Solid Films 560, 39-43, 2014
Mandat: Government of Italy
Electronic and magnetic structure of ultra-thin Ni films grown on W (110)
A Calloni, G Bussetti, G Berti, R Yivlialin, A Camera, M Finazzi, L Duo, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 420, 356-362, 2016
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
Probing the correlation between morphology and optical anisotropy in ZnTPP films grown at different temperatures
R Yivlialin, L Ferraro, C Filoni, I Majumdar, A Calloni, F Goto, M Finazzi, ...
Applied Surface Science 611, 155729, 2023
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
In situ atomic force microscopy: the case study of graphite immersed in aqueous NaOH electrolyte
G Bussetti, M Campione, A Bossi, C Goletti, L Duò, F Ciccacci, AO Biroli
The European Physical Journal Plus 135, 1-9, 2020
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo, Government of Italy
Epitaxial growth of thin TiO2 films on the Au covered Fe(100) surface
A Brambilla, A Calloni, G Berti, G Bussetti, L Duo, F Ciccacci
Crystal Research and Technology 49 (8), 587-593, 2014
Mandat: Government of Italy
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 50
Stability of Organic Cations in Solution-Processed CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskites: Formation of Modified Surface Layers
A Calloni, A Abate, G Bussetti, G Berti, R Yivlialin, F Ciccacci, L Duo
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (37), 21329-21335, 2015
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
Reactive metal–oxide interfaces: A microscopic view
A Picone, M Riva, A Brambilla, A Calloni, G Bussetti, M Finazzi, F Ciccacci, ...
Surface Science Reports 71 (1), 32-76, 2016
Mandat: Government of Italy
Fully-printed, all-polymer, bendable and highly transparent complementary logic circuits
S Mandal, G Dell’Erba, A Luzio, SG Bucella, A Perinot, A Calloni, G Berti, ...
Organic Electronics 20, 132-141, 2015
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
Direct observation of spin-resolved full and empty electron states in ferromagnetic surfaces
G Berti, A Calloni, A Brambilla, G Bussetti, L Duo, F Ciccacci
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (7), 2014
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
Stable alignment of tautomers at room temperature in porphyrin 2D layers
G Bussetti, M Campione, M Riva, A Picone, L Raimondo, L Ferraro, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (7), 958-963, 2014
Mandat: Government of Italy
Observation of Mixed Valence Ru Components in Zn Doped Y2Ru2O7 Pyrochlores
G Berti, S Sanna, C Castellano, J Van Duijn, R Ruiz-Bustos, L Bordonali, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (22), 11763-11768, 2016
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo, Government of Spain
Cobalt atoms drive the anchoring of Co-TPP molecules to the oxygen-passivated Fe (0 0 1) surface
A Calloni, MS Jagadeesh, G Bussetti, G Fratesi, S Achilli, A Picone, ...
Applied Surface Science 505, 144213, 2020
Mandat: Government of Italy
Controlling the Electronic and Structural Coupling of C60 Nano Films on Fe(001) through Oxygen Adsorption at the Interface
A Picone, D Giannotti, M Riva, A Calloni, G Bussetti, G Berti, L Duò, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (39), 26418-26424, 2016
Mandat: Fondazione Cariplo
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