Leonid Pastur
Leonid Pastur
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
Email yang diverifikasi di ilt.kharkov.ua - Beranda
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Distribution of eigenvalues for some sets of random matrices
VA Marchenko, LA Pastur
Mat. Sb.(NS) 72 (114), 4, 1967
Introduction to the theory of disordered systems
IM Lifshit︠s︡, SA Gredeskul, LA Pastur, E Yankovsky
(No Title), 1988
Spectra of random and almost-periodic operators
LA Pastur, A Figotin
Springer 297, viii+ 587, 1992
Eigenvalue distribution of large random matrices
LA Pastur, M Shcherbina
American Mathematical Soc., 2011
On the spectrum of random matrices
LA Pastur
Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika 10 (1), 102-112, 1972
Spectra of random self adjoint operators
LA Pastur
Russian mathematical surveys 28 (1), 1, 1973
Spectral properties of disordered systems in the one-body approximation
LA Pastur
Communications in mathematical physics 75, 179-196, 1980
A pure point spectrum of the stochastic one-dimensional Schrödinger operator
IY Gol'dshtein, SA Molchanov, LA Pastur
Functional Analysis and Its Applications 11 (1), 1-8, 1977
Central limit theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics of random matrices with independent entries
A Lytova, L Pastur
A new approach for mutual information analysis of large dimensional multi-antenna channels
W Hachem, O Khorunzhiy, P Loubaton, J Najim, L Pastur
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (9), 3987-4004, 2008
Asymptotic properties of large random matrices with independent entries
AM Khorunzhy, BA Khoruzhenko, LA Pastur
Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 (10), 5033-5060, 1996
Universality of the local eigenvalue statistics for a class of unitary invariant random matrix ensembles
L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Journal of Statistical Physics 86, 109-147, 1997
On the statistical mechanics approach in the random matrix theory: integrated density of states
AB De Monvel, L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Journal of statistical physics 79, 585-611, 1995
Absence of self-averaging of the order parameter in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
LA Pastur, MV Shcherbina
Journal of Statistical Physics 62 (1), 1-19, 1991
Behavior of some Wiener integrals as and the density of states of Schrödinger equations with random potential
LA Pastur
Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika 32 (1), 88-95, 1977
Theory of disordered spin systems
LA Pastur, AL Figotin
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 35 (2), 403-414, 1978
On the 1/n expansion for some unitary invariant ensembles of random matrices
S Albeverio, L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Communications in Mathematical Physics 224, 271-305, 2001
Bulk universality and related properties of Hermitian matrix models
L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Journal of Statistical Physics 130, 205-250, 2008
The large-n limit in statistical mechanics and the spectral theory of disordered systems
A Khorunzhy, B Khoruzhenko, L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Phase transitions and critical phenomena 15, 73-239, 1992
On the law of addition of random matrices
L Pastur, V Vasilchuk
Communications in Mathematical Physics 214, 249-286, 2000
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