Xing Yi
Xing Yi
Founding Research Scientist, Rulai Inc.
Email yang diverifikasi di alum.cs.umass.edu
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Beyond clicks: dwell time for personalization
X Yi, L Hong, E Zhong, NN Liu, S Rajan
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender systems, 113-120, 2014
A comparative study of utilizing topic models for information retrieval
X Yi, J Allan
Advances in Information Retrieval: 31th European Conference on IR Research …, 2009
Method and system for context sensitive intelligent virtual agents
Y Zhang, X Yi, HJ Zeng, J Li
US Patent App. 15/677,233, 2018
Competitive EM algorithm for finite mixture models
B Zhang, C Zhang, X Yi
Pattern recognition 37 (1), 131-144, 2004
Matching resumes and jobs based on relevance models
X Yi, J Allan, WB Croft
Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2007
Method and system for developing, training, and deploying effective intelligent virtual agent
Y Zhang, R Jin, Y Chen, X Yi, Y Sun
US Patent App. 15/600,251, 2018
Discovering users' specific geo intention in web search
X Yi, H Raghavan, C Leggetter
Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web, 481-490, 2009
Method and system for measuring user engagement with content items
A Glass, X Yi
US Patent 10,789,304, 2020
Method and system for semi-supervised learning in generating knowledge for intelligent virtual agents
HJ Zeng, Y Zhang, X Yi, R Jin, Y Chen
US Patent App. 15/677,319, 2018
A web-based English proofing system for English as a second language users
X Yi, J Gao, WB Dolan
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2008
Method and system for measuring user engagement using scroll dwell time
X Yi, A Glass, D Gorur
US Patent App. 13/836,758, 2014
Fast and dynamic targeting of users with engaging content
D Gorur, X Yi, S Rajan
US Patent App. 14/139,607, 2015
Evaluating topic models for information retrieval
X Yi, J Allan
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2008
Method and system for collaborative intelligent virtual agents
Y Zhang, X Yi, HJ Zeng, J Li
US Patent App. 15/677,275, 2018
Customized News Stream Utilizing Dwelltime-Based Machine Learning
X Yi, S Gaffney, JM Langlois
US Patent 9,703,783, 2017
Dwell time based advertising in a scrollable content stream
X Yi
US Patent 10,108,977, 2015
A random walks method for text classification
Y Xu, X Yi, C Zhang
Proceedings of the 2006 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 340-347, 2006
Active curve axis Gaussian mixture models
B Zhang, C Zhang, X Yi
Pattern recognition 38 (12), 2351-2362, 2005
Multi-view em algorithm for finite mixture models
X Yi, Y Xu, C Zhang
Pattern Recognition and Data Mining: Third International Conference on …, 2005
Method and system for a chat box eco-system in a federated architecture
X Yi, J Li
US Patent 10,817,667, 2020
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