Distributed systems: concepts and design GF Coulouris, J Dollimore, T Kindberg pearson education, 2005 | 6091 | 2005 |
People, places, things: Web presence for the real world T Kindberg, J Barton, J Morgan, G Becker, D Caswell, P Debaty, G Gopal, ... Mobile Networks and Applications 7, 365-376, 2002 | 1034 | 2002 |
System software for ubiquitous computing T Kindberg, A Fox IEEE pervasive computing 1 (1), 70-81, 2002 | 642 | 2002 |
The ubiquitous camera: An in-depth study of camera phone use T Kindberg, M Spasojevic, R Fleck, A Sellen IEEE Pervasive Computing 4 (2), 42-50, 2005 | 441 | 2005 |
A web-based nomadic computing system T Kindberg, J Barton Computer Networks 35 (4), 443-456, 2001 | 413 | 2001 |
From informing to remembering: Ubiquitous systems in interactive museums M Fleck, M Frid, T Kindberg, E O'Brien-Strain, R Rajani, M Spasojevic IEEE pervasive computing 1 (2), 13-21, 2002 | 383 | 2002 |
Sistemas Distribuídos-: Conceitos e Projeto G Coulouris, J Dollimore, T Kindberg, G Blair Bookman Editora, 2013 | 311 | 2013 |
Distributed systems G Coulouris, J Dollimore, T Kindberg Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc, 1988 | 294 | 1988 |
Instrumenting the city: Developing methods for observing and understanding the digital cityscape E O’Neill, V Kostakos, T Kindberg, AF Schiek, A Penn, DS Fraser, T Jones UbiComp 2006: Ubiquitous Computing: 8th International Conference, UbiComp …, 2006 | 215 | 2006 |
Guest editors' introduction: Urban computing T Kindberg, M Chalmers, E Paulos IEEE Pervasive Computing 6 (3), 18-20, 2007 | 185 | 2007 |
Sistemas distribuidos G Coulouris, J Dollimore, T Kindberg Addison Wesley, 2001 | 175 | 2001 |
Verteilte Systeme: Konzepte und Design GF Coulouris, J Dollimore, T Kindberg Pearson Studium, 2002 | 149 | 2002 |
I saw this and thought of you: some social uses of camera phones T Kindberg, M Spasojevic, R Fleck, A Sellen CHI'05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1545-1548, 2005 | 148 | 2005 |
Context authentication using constrained channels T Kindberg, K Zhang, N Shankar Proceedings Fourth IEEE workshop on mobile computing systems and …, 2002 | 137 | 2002 |
Validating and securing spontaneous associations between wireless devices T Kindberg, K Zhang International Conference on Information Security, 44-53, 2003 | 120 | 2003 |
Collecting and sharing location-based content on mobile phones in a zoo visitor experience K O’Hara, T Kindberg, M Glancy, L Baptista, B Sukumaran, G Kahana, ... Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 16, 11-44, 2007 | 98 | 2007 |
How and why people use camera phones T Kindberg, M Spasojevic, R Fleck, A Sellen HP Laboratories Technical Report HPL-2004-216, 2004 | 98 | 2004 |
The cooltown user experience J Barton, T Kindberg, JJ Barton Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, 2001 | 92 | 2001 |
Implementing physical hyperlinks using ubiquitous identifier resolution T Kindberg Proceedings of the 11th international conference on World Wide Web, 191-199, 2002 | 91 | 2002 |
Secure spontaneous device association T Kindberg, K Zhang International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 124-131, 2003 | 87 | 2003 |