Joep Vanlier
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Dikutip oleh
Data2Dynamics: a modeling environment tailored to parameter estimation in dynamical systems
A Raue, B Steiert, M Schelker, C Kreutz, T Maiwald, H Hass, J Vanlier, ...
Bioinformatics 31 (21), 3558-3560, 2015
A Bayesian approach to targeted experiment design
J Vanlier, CA Tiemann, PAJ Hilbers, NAW van Riel
Bioinformatics 28 (8), 1136-1142, 2012
Parameter uncertainty in biochemical models described by ordinary differential equations
J Vanlier, CA Tiemann, PAJ Hilbers, NAW van Riel
Mathematical biosciences 246 (2), 305-314, 2013
Driving the Model to Its Limit: Profile Likelihood Based Model Reduction
T Maiwald, H Hass, B Steiert, J Vanlier, R Engesser, A Raue, F Kipkeew, ...
PLOS ONE 11 (9), e0162366, 2016
An integrated strategy for prediction uncertainty analysis
J Vanlier, CA Tiemann, PAJ Hilbers, NAW van Riel
Bioinformatics 28 (8), 1130-1135, 2012
Optimal experiment design for model selection in biochemical networks
J Vanlier, CA Tiemann, PAJ Hilbers, NAW van Riel
BMC systems biology 8 (1), 1, 2014
Parameter trajectory analysis to identify treatment effects of pharmacological interventions
CA Tiemann, J Vanlier, MH Oosterveer, AK Groen, PA Hilbers, ...
PLoS Comput Biol 9 (8), e1003166, 2013
Parameter adaptations during phenotype transitions in progressive diseases
C Tiemann, J Vanlier, P Hilbers, N van Riel
BMC systems biology 5 (1), 174, 2011
Model Based Targeting of IL-6-Induced Inflammatory Responses in Cultured Primary Hepatocytes to Improve Application of the JAK Inhibitor Ruxolitinib
S Sobotta, A Raue, X Huang, J Vanlier, A Jünger, S Bohl, U Albrecht, ...
Frontiers in physiology 8, 775, 2017
BISEN: Biochemical simulation environment
J Vanlier, F Wu, F Qi, KC Vinnakota, Y Han, RK Dash, F Yang, DA Beard
Bioinformatics 25 (6), 836-837, 2009
Computational modeling of mitochondrial energy transduction
JPJ Schmitz, J Vanlier, NAW van Riel, JAL Jeneson
Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering 39 (5), 2011
Applications of analysis of dynamic adaptations in parameter trajectories
NAW van Riel, CA Tiemann, J Vanlier, PAJ Hilbers
Interface focus 3 (2), 20120084, 2013
Uncertainty analysis in systems biology
J Vanlier
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2014
Using predictive differences to design experiments for model selection
J Vanlier, CA Tiemann, J Timmer, PAJ Hilbers, NAW van Riel
Optimal Experiment Design for Model Selection in Biochemical Networks (Supplement)
J Vanlier, CA Tiemann, PAJ Hilbers, NAW van Riel
A novel modelling approach to analyze complex metabolic pathway dynamics; application to LXR activated lipoprotein metabolism
CA Tiemann, J Vanlier, MH Oosterveer, PAJ Hilbers, AK Groen, NAW Riel
PS9-44. Unravelling the kinetics of insulin signalling in skeletal muscle cells
CC Oncu, J Vanlier, P Hilbers, N van Riel
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Diabetologie 10 (3), 129-129, 2012
Challenges and opportunities for modeling signal transduction pathways using immunohistochemistry data
C Çölmekçi Öncü, J Vanlier, PAJ Hilbers, NAW van Riel
Challenges and opportunities for modeling signal transduction pathways using immunohistochemistry data
CCÇ Öncü, JJ Vanlier, PAJP Hilbers
Targeted experiment design using the posterior predictive distribution
J Vanlier, CA Tiemann, PAJ Hilbers, NAW van Riel
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