Galiveeti Hemakumar Reddy
Galiveeti Hemakumar Reddy
Associate Professor, DPG Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon - (DELHI-NCR)
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Impact of plug-in electric vehicles and distributed generation on reliability of distribution systems
HR Galiveeti, AK Goswami, NBD Choudhury
Engineering science and technology, an international journal 21 (1), 50-59, 2018
Optimal distributed generation placement in distribution system to improve reliability and critical loads pick up after natural disasters
GH Reddy, P Chakrapani, AK Goswami, NBD Choudhury
Engineering science and technology, an international journal 20 (3), 825-832, 2017
Assessment of equipment trip probability due to voltage sags based on fuzzy possibility distribution function
C Behera, GH Reddy, P Chakrapani, AK Goswami, CP Gupta, GK Singh
IEEE Access 6, 76889-76899, 2018
Fuzzy based Approach for Restoration of Distribution System during post Natural Disasters
GH Reddy, P Chakrapani, AK Goswami, NBD Choudhury
IEEE Access 6, 3448-3458, 2017
Optimal sizing and allocation of DG and FACTS device in the distribution system using fractional Lévy flight bat algorithm
GH Reddy, AN Koundinya, S Gope, KM Singh
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (1), 168-173, 2022
A probabilistic approach for assessment of financial loss due to equipment outage caused by voltage sag using cost matrix
C Behera, A Banik, J Nandi, GH Reddy, P Chakrapani, AK Goswami
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 30 (3), e12202, 2020
Assessment of financial loss due to voltage sag in an industrial distribution system
C Behera, A Banik, J Nandi, S Dey, GH Reddy, AK Goswami
2019 IEEE 1st International Conference on Energy, Systems and Information …, 2019
Voltage sag mitigation using distributed generation for an industrial distribution system
C Behera, M Debbarma, A Banik, GH Reddy, AK Goswami
2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy …, 2018
Prioritization of load points in distribution system considering multiple load types using fuzzy theory
GH Reddy, P Chakrapani, AK Goswami, NBD Choudhury
2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-6, 2017
Voltage sag assessment of distribution system using Monte Carlo simulation
J Patra, GH Reddy, AK Goswami
2015 International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards …, 2015
An Effective Design and Implementation of Hybrid MPP Tracking Scheme Based on Linear Tangents & Neville Interpolation (LT-NI) Technique for Photovoltaic (PV) System
MN Bhukya, VR Kota, SR Depuru, MPP Reddy, GH Reddy
IEEE Access 9, 68266-68276, 2021
Simultaneous placement of multiple rooftop solar PV integrated electric vehicle charging stations for reliability benefits
GH Reddy, SR Depuru, S Gope, BV Narayana, MN Bhukya
IEEE Access 11, 130788-130801, 2023
Frequency regulation analysis for renewable bio generated autonomous multi-microgrid using moth flame optimized fractional order controller
S Gope, GH Reddy, KM Singh
Materials Today: Proceedings 80, 753-761, 2023
Fuzzy reliability assessment of distribution system with wind farms and plug-in electric vehicles
GH Reddy, MK Kiran, PS Kumar, AK Goswami, NBD Choudhury
Electric Power Components and Systems 47 (19-20), 1791-1804, 2019
Impact of Distributed Generation Integration on Distribution System Reliability
NBDC Galiveeti Hemakumar Reddy, Arup Kumar Goswami
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11 (34), 1-13, 2018
Frequency control of renewables/biodiesel/biogas/battery energy storage based isolated microgrid using the honey badger algorithm
M Nikhil, BN Ruchitha, P Gotur, MP Ravinand, GH Reddy
2022 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE), 1-6, 2022
Lifetime estimation of electrical equipment in distribution system using modified 3-parameter Weibull distribution
GH Reddy, AN Koundinya, S Gope, C Behera
2021 International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute …, 2021
Impact of electric vehicles on distribution system performance in the presence of solar PV integration
G Hemakumar Reddy, A Badepalli, N Shivaprasad, C Behera, ...
International Journal of Computational Intelligence & IoT 2 (1), 2019
Estimation of Distribution System Reserve Capacity and Its Impact on System Reliability considering load growth.
GH Reddy, AK Goswami, NB Dev Choudhury
International Journal on Electrical Engineering & Informatics 9 (4), 2017
Power transformer failure analysis using interval type-2 fuzzy set theory based fault tree analysis
R Mitra, GH Reddy, AK Goswami, NBD Choudhury
2016 IEEE 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON), 1-4, 2016
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