Jefferson L. FERRARI
Jefferson L. FERRARI
Professor Química Inorgânica de Materiais, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia
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pH effect on the synthesis of different size silver nanoparticles evaluated by DLS and their size-dependent antimicrobial activity
LAP Gontijo, E Raphael, DPS Ferrari, JL Ferrari, JP Lyon, MA Schiavon
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 25 (04), e-12845, 2020
Broadband NIR emission in novel sol–gel Er3+-doped SiO2–Nb2O5 glass ceramic planar waveguides for photonic applications
FT Aquino, JL Ferrari, SJL Ribeiro, A Ferrier, P Goldner, RR Gonçalves
Optical Materials 35 (3), 387-396, 2013
A theoretical and experimental investigation of Eu-doped ZnO nanorods and its application on dye sensitized solar cells
AFV da Fonseca, RL Siqueira, R Landers, JL Ferrari, NL Marana, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 739, 939-947, 2018
Active planar waveguides based on sol–gel Er3+-doped SiO2–ZrO2 for photonic applications: Morphological, structural and optical properties
RR Gonçalves, JJ Guimarães, JL Ferrari, LJQ Maia, SJL Ribeiro
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (42-44), 4846-4851, 2008
The effect of Eu3+ concentration on the Y2O3 host lattice obtained from citrate precursors
JL Ferrari, AM Pires, MR Davolos
Materials Chemistry and Physics 113 (2-3), 587-590, 2009
Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of Luminescent Er3+‐Doped SiO2–Ta2O5 Nanocomposites
JL Ferrari, KO Lima, LJQ Maia, SJL Ribeiro, RR Gonçalves
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94 (4), 1230-1237, 2011
1.5 μm and visible up-conversion emissions in Er 3+/Yb 3+ co-doped tellurite glasses and optical fibers for photonic applications
D Manzani, JL Ferrari, FC Polachini, Y Messaddeq, SJL Ribeiro
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (32), 16540-16545, 2012
Infrared to Visible Up‐Conversion Emission in Er3+/Yb3+ Codoped Fluoro–Phosphate Glass–Ceramics
Y Ledemi, ME Amraoui, JL Ferrari, PL Fortin, SJL Ribeiro, Y Messaddeq
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96 (3), 825-832, 2013
Color tunability of intense upconversion emission from Er 3+–Yb 3+ co-doped SiO 2–Ta 2 O 5 glass ceramic planar waveguides
JL Ferrari, K de Oliveira Lima, E Pecoraro, RAS Ferreira, LD Carlos, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (19), 9901-9908, 2012
Synthesis, optical characterization, and size distribution determination by curve resolution methods of water-soluble CdSe quantum dots
CIL Santos, MS Carvalho, E Raphael, C Dantas, JL Ferrari, MA Schiavon
Materials Research 19 (6), 1407-1416, 2016
Unusual broadening of the NIR luminescence of Er3+-doped Nb2O5 nanocrystals embedded in silica host: Preparation and their structural and spectroscopic study for photonics …
FT Aquino, RR Pereira, JL Ferrari, SJL Ribeiro, A Ferrier, P Goldner, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 147 (3), 751-760, 2014
Broadband NIR emission in sol–gel Er3+-Activated SiO2–Ta2O5 glass ceramic planar and channel waveguides for optical application
JL Ferrari, KO Lima, LJQ Maia, SJL Ribeiro, ASL Gomes, RR Gonçalves
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 11 (3), 2540-2544, 2011
Sol-gel preparation of near-infrared broadband emitting Er3+-doped SiO2-Ta2O5 nanocomposite films
JL Ferrari, KO Lima, LJQ Maia, RR Gonçalves
Thin Solid Films 519 (4), 1319-1324, 2010
NIR luminescent Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped SiO2–ZrO2 nanostructured planar and channel waveguides: optical and structural properties
C dos Santos Cunha, JL Ferrari, DC de Oliveira, LJQ Maia, ASL Gomes, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 136 (1), 120-129, 2012
Y2O3: Eu3+ (5 mol%) with Ag nanoparticles prepared by citrate precursor
JL Ferrari, MA Cebim, AM Pires, MAC Dos Santos, MR Davolos
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 183 (9), 2110-2115, 2010
Generation of wide color gamut visible light in rare-earth triply doped tantalum oxide crystalline ceramic powders
AS Gouveia-Neto, LA Bueno, EB Da Costa, EA Silva, JL Ferrari, KO Lima, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (10), 2010
Silicon oxycarbide glasses derived from polymeric networks with different molecular architecture prepared by hydrosilylation reaction
BF Sousa, IVP Yoshida, JL Ferrari, MA Schiavon
Journal of Materials Science 48, 1911-1919, 2013
SiO2-TiO2 doped with Er3+/Yb3+/Eu3+ photoluminescent material: a spectroscopy and structural study about potential application for improvement of the efficiency on solar cells
JMM Buarque, D Manzani, SL Scarpari, M Nalin, SJL Ribeiro, ...
Materials Research Bulletin 107, 295-307, 2018
Color tunability in green, red and infra-red upconversion emission in Tm3+/Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped CeO2 with potential application for improvement of efficiency in solar cells
LGA Carvalho, LA Rocha, JMM Buarque, RR Gonçalves, ...
Journal of Luminescence 159, 223-228, 2015
Downconversion and upconversion observed from Er3+/Yb3+/Eu3+ tri-doped-Y2O3 for application in energy conversion
C de Mayrinck, RL Siqueira, J Esbenshade, MA Schiavon, RC de Lima, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 816, 152591, 2020
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