Erik Amnå
Erik Amnå
Professor in Political Science, Youth & Society, Örebro University, Sweden
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Dikutip oleh
Political participation and civic engagement: Towards a new typology
J Ekman, E Amnå
Human affairs 22, 283-300, 2012
Standby citizens: Diverse faces of political passivity
E Amnå, J Ekman
European Political Science Review 6 (2), 261-281, 2014
How is civic engagement developed over time? Emerging answers from a multidisciplinary field
E Amnå
Journal of adolescence 35 (3), 611-627, 2012
Political socialization and human agency: The development of civic engagement from adolescence to adulthood
E Amnå, M Ekström, M Kerr, H Stattin
Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 111 (1), 27-40, 2009
The longitudinal relation between online and offline political participation among youth at two different developmental stages
Y Kim, S Russo, E Amnå
New Media & Society 19 (6), 899-917, 2017
Apathy or alienation? Political passivity among youths across eight European Union countries
V Dahl, E Amnå, S Banaji, M Landberg, J Šerek, N Ribeiro, M Beilmann, ...
Youth citizenship and the European Union, 43-60, 2020
Föreningslivet i Sverige
J Vogel, E Amnå, I Munck, L Häll
Välfärd, socialt kapital, demokratiskola. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån, 2003
Jourhavande medborgare: samhällsengagemang i en folkrörelsestat
E Amnå
Studentlitteratur, 2008
Planhushållning i den offentliga sektorn?: budgetdialogen mellan regering och förvaltning under efterkrigstiden
E Amnå
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1981
Playing with fire? Swedish mobilization for participatory democracy
E Amnå
Journal of European Public Policy 13 (4), 587-606, 2006
Still a trustworthy ally? Civil society and the transformation of Scandinavian democracy
E Amnå
Journal of Civil Society 2 (1), 1-20, 2006
A political science perspective on socialization research: Young Nordic citizens in a comparative light.
E Amnå, P Zetterberg
20ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, 2004, Uppsala, Sweden; A very early …, 2010
The development of political interest among adolescents: A communication mediation approach using five waves of panel data
A Shehata, E Amnå
Communication Research 46 (8), 1055-1077, 2019
Towards a new concept of local self-government?: recent local government legislation in comparative perspective
E Amnå, S Montin
Fagbokforlaget, 2000
Active, passive, or stand-by citizens?: Latent and manifest political participation
E Amnå
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2010
Scenöppning, scenvridning, scenförändring
E Amnå
Civilsamhället, Några forskningsfrågor (Stockholm: Riksbankens jubileumsfond …, 2005
The personality divide: Do personality traits differentially predict online political engagement?
S Russo, E Amnå
Social Science Computer Review 34 (3), 259-277, 2016
Associational life, youth, and political capital formation in Sweden: historical legacies and contemporary trends
E Amnå
State and Civil Society in Northern Europe. The Swedish Model Reconsidered …, 2007
Deltagardemokratin-önskvärd, nödvändig-men möjlig?
E Amnå
i Gilljam, Mikael och Hermansson, Jörgen (red) Demokratins mekanismer, Malmö …, 2003
Ungdomars politiska utveckling: slutrapport från ett forskningsprogram
E Amnå, M Ekström, H Stattin
Makadam förlag, 2016
Sistem tidak dapat melakukan operasi ini. Coba lagi nanti.
Artikel 1–20