David Gastfriend
David Gastfriend
DynamiCare Health, Inc.
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Combined pharmacotherapies and behavioral interventions for alcohol dependence: the COMBINE study: a randomized controlled trial
RF Anton, SS O’Malley, DA Ciraulo, RA Cisler, D Couper, DM Donovan, ...
Jama 295 (17), 2003-2017, 2006
Acute effects of cocaine on human brain activity and emotion
HC Breiter, RL Gollub, RM Weisskoff, DN Kennedy, N Makris, JD Berke, ...
Neuron 19 (3), 591-611, 1997
Efficacy and tolerability of long-acting injectable naltrexone for alcohol dependence: a randomized controlled trial
JC Garbutt, HR Kranzler, SS O’Malley, DR Gastfriend, HM Pettinati, ...
Jama 293 (13), 1617-1625, 2005
Psychosocial treatments for cocaine dependence: National Institute on Drug Abuse collaborative cocaine treatment study
P Crits-Christoph, L Siqueland, J Blaine, A Frank, L Luborsky, LS Onken, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 56 (6), 493-502, 1999
Injectable extended-release naltrexone for opioid dependence: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre randomised trial
E Krupitsky, EV Nunes, W Ling, A Illeperuma, DR Gastfriend, ...
The Lancet 377 (9776), 1506-1513, 2011
The glutamatergic basis of human alcoholism.
G Tsai, DR Gastfriend, JT Coyle
The American journal of psychiatry, 1995
The Addiction Severity Index A field study of internal consistency and validity
C Leonhard, K Mulvey, DR Gastfriend, M Shwartz
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 18 (2), 129-135, 2000
Cocaine dependence with and without PTSD among subjects in the National Institute on Drug Abuse Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study
LM Najavits, DR Gastfriend, JP Barber, S Reif, LR Muenz, J Blaine, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 155 (2), 214-219, 1998
The ASAM criteria: Treatment criteria for addictive, substance-related, and co-occurring conditions
D Mee-Lee, GD Shulman, MJ Fishman, DR Gastfriend, MM Miller
Change Companies, 2013
Decreased absolute amygdala volume in cocaine addicts
N Makris, GP Gasic, LJ Seidman, JM Goldstein, DR Gastfriend, I Elman, ...
Neuron 44 (4), 729-740, 2004
Addiction denial and cognitive dysfunction: a preliminary investigation
W Rinn, N Desai, H Rosenblatt, DR Gastfriend
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 14 (1), 52-57, 2002
Gender differences in cocaine craving among non-treatment-seeking individuals with cocaine dependence
I Elman, KH Karlsgodt, DR Gastfriend
The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse 27 (2), 193-202, 2001
The relationship between cocaine craving, psychosocial treatment, and subsequent cocaine use
RD Weiss, ML Griffin, C Mazurick, B Berkman, DR Gastfriend, A Frank, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 160 (7), 1320-1325, 2003
The effect of 12-step self-help group attendance and participation on drug use outcomes among cocaine-dependent patients
RD Weiss, ML Griffin, RJ Gallop, LM Najavits, A Frank, P Crits-Christoph, ...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 77 (2), 177-184, 2005
Efficacy of extended-release naltrexone in alcohol-dependent patients who are abstinent before treatment
SS O'Malley, JC Garbutt, DR Gastfriend, Q Dong, HR Kranzler
Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 27 (5), 507-512, 2007
Developing performance measures for alcohol and other drug services in managed care plans
F McCorry, DW Garnick, J Bartlett, F Cotter, M Chalk, T Babor, S Falcon, ...
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement 26 (11), 633-643, 2000
Establishing the feasibility of performance measures for alcohol and other drugs
DW Garnick, MT Lee, M Chalk, D Gastfriend, CM Horgan, F McCorry, ...
Journal of substance abuse treatment 23 (4), 375-385, 2002
Reduction in heavy drinking as a treatment outcome in alcohol dependence
DR Gastfriend, JC Garbutt, HM Pettinati, RF Forman
Journal of substance abuse treatment 33 (1), 71-80, 2007
Injectable extended‐release naltrexone (XR‐NTX) for opioid dependence: long‐term safety and effectiveness
E Krupitsky, EV Nunes, W Ling, DR Gastfriend, A Memisoglu, ...
Addiction 108 (9), 1628-1637, 2013
A multi-site dose ranging study of nalmefene in the treatment of alcohol dependence
RF Anton, H Pettinati, A Zweben, HR Kranzler, B Johnson, MJ Bohn, ...
Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 24 (4), 421-428, 2004
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