Clara H. Mulder
Clara H. Mulder
Professor of demography and space, University of Groningen
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Residential relocations in the life course
CH Mulder, P Hooimeijer
Population Issues: An interdisciplinary focus, 159-186, 0
Migration dynamics: A life course approach
CH Mulder
AmsterdamThesis, 1993
Understanding the effects of Covid-19 through a life course lens
RA Settersten Jr, L Bernardi, J Härkönen, TC Antonucci, PA Dykstra, ...
Advances in Life Course Research 45, 100360, 2020
First-time home-ownership in the family life course: A West German-Dutch comparison
CH Mulder, M Wagner
Urban studies 35 (4), 687-713, 1998
Migration and marriage in the life course: a method for studying synchronized events
CH Mulder, M Wagner
European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de démographie, 55-76, 1993
Population and housing: a two-sided relationship
CH Mulder
Demographic research 15, 401-412, 2006
Codebook of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study: a multi-actor, multi-method panel study on solidarity in family relationships, Wave 2, Version 2.0, April 2012
PA Dykstra, M Kalmijn, TCM Knijn, AE Komter, AC Liefbroer, CH Mulder
NIDI, Erasmus University, Tilburg University, Utrecht University, VU …, 2012
Homeownership regimes and low fertility
CH Mulder, FC Billari
Housing studies 25 (4), 527-541, 2010
The family context and residential choice: A challenge for new research
CH Mulder
Population, space and place 13 (4), 265-278, 2007
The timing of household events and housing events in the Netherlands: A longitudinal perspective
P Feijten, CH Mulder
Housing studies 17 (5), 773-792, 2002
Home-ownership and family formation
CH Mulder
Journal of housing and the built environment 21, 281-298, 2006
The connections between family formation and first-time home ownership in the context of West Germany and the Netherlands
CH Mulder, M Wagner
European Journal of Population/Revue europeenne de demographie 17, 137-164, 2001
Moving and union dissolution
PJ Boyle, H Kulu, T Cooke, V Gayle, CH Mulder
Demography 45 (1), 209-222, 2008
Intergenerational transmission of homeownership: The roles of gifts and continuities in housing market characteristics
A Helderman, C Mulder
Urban Studies 44 (2), 231-247, 2007
Residential experience and residential environment choice over the life-course
P Feijten, P Hooimeijer, CH Mulder
Urban studies 45 (1), 141-162, 2008
Highly skilled migration between the Global North and South: gender, life courses and institutions
A Bailey, CH Mulder
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 43 (16), 2689-2703, 2017
Life events and the gap between intention to move and actual mobility
C De Groot, CH Mulder, M Das, D Manting
Environment and planning A 43 (1), 48-66, 2011
Parent–child coresidence: Who moves in with whom and for whose needs?
A Smits, RI Van Gaalen, CH Mulder
Journal of Marriage and Family 72 (4), 1022-1033, 2010
Leaving home for college and gaining independence
CH Mulder, WAV Clark
Environment and Planning A 34 (6), 981-999, 2002
Family events and the residential mobility of couples
F Michielin, CH Mulder
Environment and Planning A 40 (11), 2770-2790, 2008
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