Dr Glenda Amayo Caldwell
Dr Glenda Amayo Caldwell
Professor in Architecture, Queensland University of Technology
Email yang diverifikasi di qut.edu.au
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DIY media architecture: open and participatory approaches to community engagement
GA Caldwell, M Foth
Proceedings of the 2nd media architecture biennale conference: World Cities …, 2014
Middle-out design: collaborative community engagement in urban HCI
J Fredericks, GA Caldwell, M Tomitsch
Proceedings of the 28th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2016
More-than-human media architecture
M Foth, GA Caldwell
Proceedings of the 4th media architecture biennale conference, 66-75, 2018
Shut up & Write!: Some surprising uses of cafés and crowds in doctoral writing
I Mewburn, L Osborne, G Caldwell
Writing groups for doctoral education and beyond, 218-232, 2014
The city as perpetual beta: Fostering systemic urban acupuncture
J Fredericks, GA Caldwell, M Foth, M Tomitsch
The hackable city: Digital media and collaborative city-making in the …, 2019
Towards a more-than-human approach to smart and sustainable urban development: Designing for multispecies justice
W Fieuw, M Foth, GA Caldwell
Sustainability 14 (2), 948, 2022
A more-than-human perspective on understanding the performance of the built environment
S Loh, M Foth, GA Caldwell, V Garcia-Hansen, M Thomson
Architectural Science Review 63 (3-4), 372-383, 2020
University and innovation district symbiosis in the context of placemaking: Insights from Australian cities
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda, S Mayere, GA Caldwell, ...
Land use policy 99, 105109, 2020
Towards visualising people's ecology of hybrid personal learning environments
G Caldwell, M Bilandzic, M Foth
Proceedings of the Media Architecture Biennale Conference: Participation, 13-22, 2012
The InstaBooth: Making common ground for media architectural design
GA Caldwell, M Guaralda, J Donovan, M Rittenbruch
Proceedings of the 3rd Media Architecture Biennale Conference, 1-8, 2016
Towards human–robot collaboration in construction: current cobot trends and forecasts
AG Burden, GA Caldwell, MR Guertler
Construction Robotics 6 (3), 209-220, 2022
Guerrillas in the [urban] midst: Developing and using creative research methods—Guerrilla research tactics
GA Caldwell, L Osborne, I Mewburn, P Crowther
Journal of Urban Technology 22 (3), 21-36, 2015
Augmenting cities beyond bedazzlement: Empowering local communities through immersive urban technologies
M Foth, G Caldwell, J Fredericks, K Volz
Workshop Proceedings of Augmenting Cities and Architecture with Immersive …, 2018
The digital fringe and social participation through interaction design
L Hespanhol, H Davis, J Fredericks, G Caldwell, M Hoggenmüller, ...
Journal of Community Informatics 14 (1), 4-16, 2018
Radical placemaking: Utilizing low-tech AR/VR to engage in communal placemaking during a pandemic
K Gonsalves, M Foth, G Caldwell
Interaction Design and Architecture (s) 48 (48), 143-164, 2021
Radical placemaking: An immersive, experiential and activist approach for marginalised communities
K Gonsalves, M Foth, G Caldwell, W Jenek
Connections: Exploring heritage, architecture, cities, art, media. Vol. 20.1 …, 2021
Developmental components of resting ventilation among high‐and low‐altitude Andean children and adults
AR Frisancho, PC Juliao, V Barcelona, CE Kudyba, G Amayo, ...
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 1999
An urban informatics approach to smart city learning in architecture and urban design education
G Caldwell, M Foth, M Guaralda
Interaction Design and Architecture (s) 2013 (17), 7-28, 2013
DIY/DIWO media architecture: The InstaBooth
GA Caldwell, M Foth
Using information and media as construction material, 61-80, 2017
A COVID-19 horizon scan looking for post-pandemic implications for design
M Foth, GA Caldwell, J Fredericks
Design Culture (s): Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021. Vol. 2., 2107-2125, 2021
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