Stefano Casalegno
Stefano Casalegno
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Spatial Covariance between Aesthetic Value & Other Ecosystem Services
S Casalegno, R Inger, C DeSilvey, K Gaston
PLOS ONE 8 (6), 2013
Vulnerability of Pinus cembra L. in the Alps and the Carpathian mountains under present and future climates
S Casalegno, G Amatulli, A Camia, A Nelson, A Pekkarinen
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (4), 750-761, 2010
Popular interest in vertebrates does not reflect extinction risk and is associated with bias in conservation investment
T Davies, A Cowley, J Bennie, C Leyshon, R Inger, H Carter, B Robinson, ...
PLoS One 13 (9), e0203694, 2018
Representation of ecosystem services by terrestrial protected areas: Chile as a case study
AP Durán, S Casalegno, PA Marquet, KJ Gaston
PLoS one 8 (12), e82643, 2013
Ecological connectivity in the three-dimensional urban green volume using waveform airborne lidar
GKJ Casalegno S., Anderson K., Cox D.T.C., Hancock S.
Scientific Reports 7 (45571), 2017
Modelling and mapping the suitability of European forest formations at 1-km resolution
S Casalegno, G Amatulli, A Bastrup-Birk, TH Durrant, A Pekkarinen
European Journal of Forest Research 130, 971-981, 2011
Visualising the urban green volume: Exploring LiDAR voxels with tangible technologies and virtual models
K Anderson, S Hancock, S Casalegno, A Griffiths, D Griffiths, F Sargent, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 178, 248-260, 2018
Regional Scale Prioritisation for Key Ecosystem Services, Renewable Energy Production and Urban Development
S Casalegno, JJ Bennie, R Inger, KJ Gaston
PLoS ONE 9 (9), e107822, 2014
Global Warming Impacts - Case Studies on the Economy, Human Health, and on Urban and Natural Environments
S Casalegno
InTech, 2011
Improving models of urban greenspace: from vegetation surface cover to volumetric survey, using waveform laser scanning
S Casalegno, K Anderson, S Hancock, KJ Gaston
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (11), 1443-1452, 2017
Skewed contributions of individual trees to indirect nature experiences
DTC Cox, J Bennie, S Casalegno, HL Hudson, K Anderson, KJ Gaston
Landscape and Urban Planning 185, 28-34, 2019
Correction: Popular interest in vertebrates does not reflect extinction risk and is associated with bias in conservation investment
T Davies, A Cowley, J Bennie, C Leyshon, R Inger, H Carter, B Robinson, ...
PLoS One 14 (2), e0212101, 2019
Urban and Peri-Urban Tree Cover in European Cities: Current Distribution and Future Vulnerability Under Climate Change Scenarios
S Casalegno
Mapping the CN ratio of the forest litters in Europe-lessons for global digital soil mapping
F Carre, N Jeannée, S Casalegno, O Lemarchand, HI Reuter, ...
Digital Soil Mapping: Bridging Research, Environmental Application, and …, 2010
Teaching spatio-temporal analysis and efficient data processing in open source environment
G Amatulli, S Casalegno, R D’Annunzio, R Haapanen, P Kempeneers, ...
Modelling Current and Future Distribution of European Forest Categories
S Casalegno, A Giuseppe, BB Annemarie, H Tracy
6th European Conference on Ecological Modelling: Challenges for ecological …, 2007
Multiple criteria decisionmaking for bio-energy projects assisted by GIS: Current applications and perspectives
S Rozakis, S Casalegno, JM Gilliot, JC Sourie
Options Méditerranéennes–Série A, 105-122, 2002
Utilisation de données de télédétection pour la caractérisation d'un écotone en région tropicale de montagne: Exemple dans la Sierra de la Laguna, Basse Californie Sud Mexique
S Casalegno, L Arriaga, CM Girard, MF Passini
Bulletin-Société française de photogrammétrie et de télédétection, 3-12, 2000
Caractérisation et cartographie d'un écotone forestier de montagne afin de servir d'indicateur de perturbations d'origine anthropique - Analyse à différents niveaux d …
S Casalegno
Urban and periurban Forest habitat Suitability: current fitness and future trends under climate change scenario.
S Casalegno, T Huston
Joint national conference of Forest for recreation and tourism and 11th …, 2008
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