Declan Naughton
Declan Naughton
Professor of Biomolecular Sciences, Kingston University London
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Anti-collagenase, anti-elastase and anti-oxidant activities of extracts from 21 plants
TSA Thring, P Hili, DP Naughton
BMC complementary and alternative medicine 9, 1-11, 2009
Vitamin D in health and disease: current perspectives
R Zhang, DP Naughton
Nutrition journal 9, 1-13, 2010
Generation of nitric oxide by a nitrite reductase activity of xanthine oxidase: a potential pathway for nitric oxide formation in the absence of nitric oxide synthase activity
Z Zhang, D Naughton, PG Winyard, N Benjamin, DR Blake, MCR Symons
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 249 (3), 767-772, 1998
Nutritional supplement use by elite young UK athletes: fallacies of advice regarding efficacy
A Petróczi, DP Naughton, G Pearce, R Bailey, A Bloodworth, M McNamee
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 5, 1-8, 2008
Mission impossible? Regulatory and enforcement issues to ensure safety of dietary supplements
A Petroczi, G Taylor, DP Naughton
Food and Chemical Toxicology 49 (2), 393-402, 2011
Misleading measures in Vitamin D analysis: a novel LC-MS/MS assay to account for epimers and isobars
I Shah, R James, J Barker, A Petroczi, DP Naughton
Nutrition journal 10, 1-9, 2011
A Systematic Review on the Herbal Extract Tribulus terrestris and the Roots of its Putative Aphrodisiac and Performance Enhancing Effect
A Qureshi, DP Naughton, A Petroczi
Journal of dietary supplements 11 (1), 64-79, 2014
Antioxidant and potential anti-inflammatory activity of extracts and formulations of white tea, rose, and witch hazel on primary human dermal fibroblast cells
TSA Thring, P Hili, DP Naughton
Journal of Inflammation 8, 1-7, 2011
Self‐admitted behavior and perceived use of performance‐enhancing vs psychoactive drugs among competitive athletes
M Uvacsek, T Nepusz, DP Naughton, J Mazanov, MZ Ranky, A Petróczi
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 21 (2), 224-234, 2011
Antimicrobial activities of pomegranate rind extracts: enhancement by addition of metal salts and vitamin C
EM McCarrell, SWJ Gould, MD Fielder, AF Kelly, W El Sankary, ...
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 8, 1-7, 2008
The age-gender-status profile of high performing athletes in the UK taking nutritional supplements: lessons for the future
A Petroczi, DP Naughton
Journal of the international society of sports nutrition 5, 1-8, 2008
Performance enhancement with supplements: incongruence between rationale and practice
A Petróczi, DP Naughton, J Mazanov, A Holloway, J Bingham
Journal of the international society of sports nutrition 4, 1-9, 2007
Generation of lipid peroxidation products in culinary oils and fats during episodes of thermal stressing: A high field 1H NMR study
AWD Claxson, GE Hawkes, DP Richardson, DP Naughton, RM Haywood, ...
FEBS letters 355 (1), 81-90, 1994
An investigation of the abnormal metabolic status of synovial fluid from patients with rheumatoid arthritis by high field proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
D Naughton, M Whelan, EC Smith, R Williams, DR Blake, M Grootveld
FEBS letters 317 (1-2), 135-138, 1993
Iron supplements: the quick fix with long-term consequences
AEO Fisher, DP Naughton
Nutrition journal 3 (1), 2, 2004
Heavy metal ions in wines: meta-analysis of target hazard quotients reveal health risks
DP Naughton, A Petróczi
Chemistry Central Journal 2, 1-7, 2008
Determination of metal ion content of beverages and estimation of target hazard quotients: a comparative study
T Hague, A Petroczi, PLR Andrews, J Barker, DP Naughton
Chemistry Central Journal 2, 1-9, 2008
An observational study reveals that neonatal vitamin D is primarily determined by maternal contributions: implications of a new assay on the roles of vitamin D forms
SN Karras, I Shah, A Petroczi, DG Goulis, H Bili, F Papadopoulou, ...
Nutrition journal 12, 1-8, 2013
Human xanthine oxidase converts nitrite ions into nitric oxide (NO)
Z Zhang, DP Naughton, DR Blake, N Benjamin, CR Stevens, PG Winyard, ...
Biochemical Society Transactions 25 (3), 524S-524S, 1997
A comparative evaluation of the metabolic profiles of normal and inflammatory knee-joint synovial fluids by high resolution proton NMR spectroscopy
DP Naughton, R Haywood, DR Blake, S Edmonds, GE Hawkes, ...
FEBS letters 332 (3), 221-225, 1993
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