Ray DeCorby
Ray DeCorby
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Controlling evanescent waves using silicon photonic all-dielectric metamaterials for dense integration
S Jahani, S Kim, J Atkinson, JC Wirth, F Kalhor, AA Noman, WD Newman, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1893, 2018
Ferrell–Berreman modes in plasmonic epsilon-near-zero media
WD Newman, CL Cortes, J Atkinson, S Pramanik, RG DeCorby, Z Jacob
Acs Photonics 2 (1), 2-7, 2015
High index contrast waveguides in chalcogenide glass and polymer
RG DeCorby, N Ponnampalam, MM Pai, HT Nguyen, PK Dwivedi, ...
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 11 (2), 539-546, 2005
Photoinduced refractive index change in As2Se3 by 633nm illumination
AC Van Popta, RG DeCorby, CJ Haugen, T Robinson, JN McMullin, ...
optics express 10 (15), 639-644, 2002
On-chip high-finesse Fabry-Perot microcavities for optical sensing and quantum information
MH Bitarafan, RG DeCorby
Sensors 17 (8), 1748, 2017
Planar omnidirectional reflectors in chalcogenide glass and polymer
RG DeCorby, HT Nguyen, PK Dwivedi, TJ Clement
Optics express 13 (16), 6228-6233, 2005
Small core rib waveguides with embedded gratings in As2Se3 glass
N Ponnampalam, RG DeCorby, HT Nguyen, PK Dwivedi, CJ Haugen, ...
Optics express 12 (25), 6270-6277, 2004
Polyamide-imide polymer thin films for integrated optics
RM Bryce, HT Nguyen, P Nakeeran, T Clement, CJ Haugen, ...
Thin Solid Films 458 (1-2), 233-236, 2004
Chip-scale spectrometry based on tapered hollow Bragg waveguides
RG DeCorby, N Ponnampalam, E Epp, T Allen, JN McMullin
Optics express 17 (19), 16632-16645, 2009
Optical properties of Er-doped Gax (Ge0. 3Se0. 7) 100− x glasses
M Munzar, C Koughia, D Tonchev, K Maeda, T Ikari, C Haugen, ...
Optical Materials 28 (3), 225-230, 2006
Dense and porous ZnO thin films produced by pulsed laser deposition
YW Sun, J Gospodyn, P Kursa, J Sit, RG DeCorby, YY Tsui
Applied surface science 248 (1-4), 392-396, 2005
Improved omnidirectional reflectors in chalcogenide glass and polymer by using the silver doping technique
TJ Clement, N Ponnampalam, HT Nguyen, RG DeCorby
Optics Express 14 (5), 1789-1796, 2006
Photoluminescence in Er-doped Ge–Ga–Se glasses
K Koughia, M Munzar, D Tonchev, CJ Haugen, RG Decorby, JN McMullin, ...
Journal of Luminescence 112 (1-4), 92-96, 2005
Strong Bragg gratings photoinduced by 633-nm illumination in evaporated As2Se3 thin films
TG Robinson, RG DeCorby, JN McMullin, CJ Haugen, SO Kasap, ...
Optics letters 28 (6), 459-461, 2003
Robust and Flexible Free‐Standing All‐Dielectric Omnidirectional Reflectors
RG DeCorby, N Ponnampalam, HT Nguyen, TJ Clement
Advanced Materials 19 (2), 193-196, 2007
Hollow Bragg waveguides fabricated by controlled buckling of Si/SiO2 multilayers
E Epp, N Ponnampalam, W Newman, B Drobot, JN McMullin, AF Meldrum, ...
Optics express 18 (24), 24917-24925, 2010
Direct UV patterning of waveguide devices in thin films
RM Bryce, HT Nguyen, P Nakeeran, RG DeCorby, PK Dwivedi, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 22 (3 …, 2004
Tunable open-access microcavities for on-chip cavity quantum electrodynamics
CA Potts, A Melnyk, H Ramp, MH Bitarafan, D Vick, LJ LeBlanc, JP Davis, ...
Applied Physics Letters 108 (4), 2016
Thermal and photoluminescence properties of Er3+-doped (GaSe) x (As2Se3) 1− x glasses
DT Tonchev, CJ Haugen, RG DeCorby, JN McMullin, SO Kasap
Journal of non-crystalline solids 326, 364-368, 2003
High-finesse cavities fabricated by buckling self-assembly of a-Si/SiO2 multilayers
TW Allen, J Silverstone, N Ponnampalam, T Olsen, A Meldrum, ...
Optics express 19 (20), 18903-18909, 2011
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