Xu Dai
Xu Dai
Email yang diverifikasi di liverpool.ac.uk - Beranda
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A critical review of “travelling fire” scenarios for performance-based structural engineering
X Dai, S Welch, A Usmani
Fire Safety Journal 91, 568-578, 2017
An extended travelling fire method framework for performance‐based structural design
X Dai, S Welch, O Vassart, K Cábová, L Jiang, J Maclean, GC Clifton, ...
Fire and Materials 44 (3), 437–457, 2020
Disproportionate collapse of steel-framed gravity buildings under travelling fires
J Jiang, Y Lu, X Dai, GQ Li, W Chen, J Ye
Engineering Structures 245, 112799, 2021
Large scale travelling fire tests with open ventilation conditions and their effect on the surrounding steel structure–The second fire test
N Alam, A Nadjai, M Charlier, O Vassart, S Welch, J Sjöström, X Dai
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 188, 107032, 2022
Tisova Fire Test – fire behaviours and lessons learnt
D Rush, X Dai, D Lange
Fire Safety Journal 121, 103261, 2021
A conceptual framework for a design travelling fire for large compartments with fire resistant islands
X Dai, L Jiang, J Maclean, S Welch, A Usmani
14th International Fire Science & Engineering Conference (Interflam 2016) 2 …, 2016
A numerical investigation of 3D structural behaviour for steel-composite structures under various travelling fire scenarios
Z Nan, X Dai, H Chen, S Welch, A Usmani
Engineering Structures 267, 114587, 2022
Travelling fire experiments in steel-framed structure: Numerical investigations with CFD and FEM
M Charlier, A Glorieux, X Dai, N Alam, S Welch, J Anderson, O Vassart, ...
Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 12 (3), 309-327, 2021
CFD analyses used to evaluate the influence of compartment geometry on the possibility of development of a travelling fire
M Charlier, A Gamba, X Dai, S Welch, O Vassart, JM Franssen
SiF 2018 – The 10th International Conference on Structures in Fire, 341-348, 2018
An Engineering CFD Model for Fire Spread on Wood Cribs for Travelling Fires
X Dai, A Gamba, C Liu, J Anderson, M Charlier, D Rush, S Welch
Advances in Engineering Software, 2022
Experimental study on fire resistance of a full-scale composite floor assembly in a two-story steel framed building
L Choe, S Ramesh, X Dai, M Hoehler, M Bundy
Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 2021
Fire resilience of a steel-concrete composite floor system: full-scale experimental evaluation for US Prescriptive approach with a 2-hour fire-resistance rating (test# 1)
L Choe, S Ramesh, X Dai, M Hoehler, M Bundy, R Bryant, B Story, ...
Technical Note (NIST TN). Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards …, 2021
FDS simulations and modelling efforts of travelling fires in a large elongated compartment
J Anderson, J Sjöström, A Temple, M Charlier, X Dai, S Welch, D Rush
Fire and Materials, 2020
Implementation of a new design travelling fire model for global structural analysis
X Dai, L Jiang, J Maclean, S Welch, A Usmani
The 9th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF 2016), 959-966, 2016
Travelling fire in full scale experimental building subjected to open ventilation conditions
A Nadjai, N Alam, M Charlier, O Vassart, X Dai, JM Franssen, J Sjostrom
Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 2022
Characterising natural fires in large compartments – revisiting an early travelling fire test (BST/FRS 1993) with CFD
X Dai, S Welch, D Rush, M Charlier, J Anderson
15th International Interflam Conference, 2111-2122, 2019
Extended travelling fire method framework with an OpenSees‐based integrated tool SIFBuilder
X Dai
The University of Edinburgh, 2018
OpenSees-based integrated tool for modelling structures in fire
L Jiang, X Dai, A Usmani, P Kamath
1st International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire & Blast (CONFAB …, 2015
Fire Resilience of a Steel-Concrete Composite Floor System: Full-Scale Experimental Evaluation for Influence of Slab Reinforcement (Test# 2)
L Choe, S Ramesh, M Hoehler, M Bundy, R Bryant, X Dai, B Story, ...
Modelling the influence of steel structure compartment geometry on travelling fires
M Charlier, A Gamba, X Dai, S Welch, O Vassart, JM Franssen
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings …, 2021
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