Jean-Benoit Pilet
Jean-Benoit Pilet
Email yang diverifikasi di ulb.ac.be - Beranda
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Faces on the ballot: The personalization of electoral systems in Europe
A Renwick, JB Pilet
Oxford University Press, 2016
The selection of political party leaders in contemporary parliamentary democracies
JB Pilet, W Cross
A Comparative Study. London: Routlege, 2014
The politics of party leadership: A cross-national perspective
WP Cross, JB Pilet
Oxford University Press, 2015
Deliberative mini-publics: Core design features
N Curato, D Farrell
Policy Press, 2021
It's not only about lists: explaining preference voting in Belgium
A André, B Wauters, JB Pilet
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 22 (3), 293-313, 2012
The gap between public preferences and policies on immigration: A comparative examination of the effect of politicisation on policy congruence
L Morales, JB Pilet, D Ruedin
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (9), 1495-1516, 2015
Regionalist parties in Belgium (VU, RW, FDF): Victims of their own success?
E Van Haute, JB Pilet
Regional & Federal Studies 16 (3), 297-313, 2006
Les partis politiques en Belgique
P Delwit, JB Pilet, E van Haute
Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2011
Centralized personalization at the expense of decentralized personalization. The decline of preferential voting in Belgium (2003–2014)
JBP Bram Wauters, Peter Thijssen, Peter Van Aelst
Party Politics, 2016
Party preferences and electoral reform: How time in government affects the likelihood of supporting electoral change
JB Pilet, D Bol
Understanding Electoral Reform, 132-150, 2014
Who supports citizens selected by lot to be the main policymakers? A study of French citizens
C Bedock, JB Pilet
Government and Opposition 56 (3), 485-504, 2021
Ballot structure, district magnitude and constituency-orientation of MPs in proportional representation and majority electoral systems
JB Pilet, A Freire, O Costa
Representation 48 (4), 359-372, 2012
The POLITICIZE dataset: An inventory of deliberative mini-publics (DMPs) in Europe
E Paulis, JB Pilet, S Panel, D Vittori, C Close
European Political Science 20 (3), 521, 2020
The selection of party leaders in Belgium
JB Pilet, B Wauters
The selection of political party leaders in contemporary parliamentary …, 2014
Inaccurate politicians: Elected representatives’ estimations of public opinion in four countries
S Walgrave, A Jansen, J Sevenans, K Soontjens, JB Pilet, N Brack, ...
The Journal of Politics 85 (1), 209-222, 2023
Enraged, engaged, or both? A study of the determinants of support for consultative vs. binding mini-publics
C Bedock, JB Pilet
Representation 59 (1), 33-53, 2023
Méthodes de la science politique: De la question de départ à l'analyse des données
R Coman, A Crespy, F Louault, JB Pilet, E Van Haute, JF Morin
De Boeck Supérieur, 2016
Changer pour gagner? Les réformes électorales en Belgique
JB Pilet
Collection Science politique, 2007
Revolution or renovation?: reforming local politics in Europe
P Delwit, H Reynaert, K Steyvers, JB Pilet
Local Comparative Politics, 2005
Belgium: A Tale of regional divergence?
E Wayenberg, F De Rynck, K Steyvers, JB Pilet
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