Larysa Shupranova
Larysa Shupranova
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
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Interspecific differences of antioxidant ability of introduced Chaenomeles species with respect to adaptation to the steppe zone conditions
N Khromykh, Y Lykholat, L Shupranova, A Kabar, O Didur, T Lykholat, ...
Biosystems Diversity 26 (2), 132-138, 2018
Y Lykholat, N Khromyk, I Ivan'Ko, I Kovalenko, L Shupranova, ...
Agriculture & Forestry/Poljoprivreda i šumarstv 62 (2), 2016
Assessment and prediction of the invasiveness of some alien plants in conditions of climate change in the steppe Dnieper region
YV Lykholat, NA Khromykh, IA Ivan’ko, VL Matyukha, SS Kravets, ...
Biosystems Diversity 25 (1), 52-59, 2017
Air pollution assessment in the Dnepropetrovsk industrial megapolice of Ukraine
LV Shupranova, VM Khlopova, MM Kharytonov
Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXII, 101-104, 2014
The influence of Cameraria ohridella (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) on the activity of the enzymatic antioxidant system of protection of the assimilating organs of Aesculus …
LV Shupranova, KK Holoborodko, OV Seliutina, OY Pakhomov
Biosystems Diversity 27 (3), 238-243, 2019
Activity and isoenzyme composition of peroxidase in the vegetative organs of Japanese quince under steppe zone conditions
Y Prisedsky, A Kabar, Y Lykholat, N Martynova, L Shupranova
Biologija 63 (2), 2017
Effect of Cameraria ohridella on accumulation of proteins, peroxidase activity and composition in Aesculus hippocastanum leaves
OV Seliutina, LV Shupranova, KK Holoborodko, MV Shulman, YP Bobylev
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 11 (2), 2020
Assessment of Parectopa robiniella Clemens (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) effect on biochemical parameters of Robinia pseudoacacia under conditions of an industrial city in …
L Shupranova, K Holoborodko, I Loza, O Zhukov, O Pakhomov
Ekológia 41 (4), 340-350, 2022
Enzymes and Peroxidase Isoforms Variation in the Dormant Buds of Fruit Plants Introduced in the Steppe Zone
A Kabar, N Khromykh, L Shupranova, Y Lykholat
Agrobiodiversity for improving nutrition, health and life quality. Nitra …, 2016
Environmental assessment of atmospheric pollution in Dnipropetrovsk province (Ukraine)
M Kharytonov, A Benselhoub, L Shupranova, R Kryvakovska, V Khlopova
Studia Universitatis" Vasile Goldis" Arad. Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life …, 2015
Reaction of photosynthetic apparatus of a representative of extrazonal steppe plants Quercus robur to air pollution by motor vehicle emissions
LV Shupranova, YV Lykholat, NO Khromikh, ZV Grytzaj, AA Alexeyeva, ...
Biosystems Diversity 25 (4), 268-273, 2017
Chemical plant protection agents change the yield structure and the grain quality of winter wheat (“Triticum Aestivum L.”)
M Nazarenko, N Khromykh, V Matyukha, Y Lykholat, R Bezus, A Alexeeva, ...
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series II: Forestry• Wood …, 2019
Otsinka i prognoz invaziynosti deyakyh adventyvnyh roslyn za vplyvu klimatychnyh zmin u stepovomu Prydniprov’yi [Evaluation and prediction of invasion of some adventive plants …
YV Lykholat, NO Khromyk, IA Ivan’ko, VL Matyuha, SS Kravets, OO Didur, ...
Biosyst. Divers 25 (1), 52-59, 2017
Physiological and biochemical reactions of Hordeum vulgare seedlings to the action of silver nanoparticles
NO Khromykh, LV Shupranova, YV Lykholat, VS Bil'Chuk, VS Fedenko, ...
Biosystems Diversity 23 (2), 100-104, 2015
Spetspraktykum z fiziolohii ta biokhimii Roslyn [Special practice on physiology and biochemistry of plants]
OM Vinnychenko, VS Bilchuk, V Lykholat Yu, HS Rossykhina-Halycha, ...
Dnipropetrovsk: FOP Seredniak TK 224, 2014
Steppe soils buffer capacity and the multipollution impact of industrial enterprises in Ukraine
MM Kharytonov, AA Kroik, LV Shupranova
Multiple Stressors: A Challenge for the Future, 373-380, 2007
Peroxidase activity and isoenzyme composition in Robinia pseudoacacia L. leaves under the influence of Parectopa robiniella Clemens, 1863
LV Shupranova, KK Holoborodko, AO Guslistiy, MV Shulman, ...
Agrology 4 (4), 174-179, 2021
Air pollution assessment related with large industrial city activities
MM Kharytonov, AA Kroik, OM Vinnichenko, LV Shupranova
Simulation and assessment of chemical processes in a multiphase environment …, 2008
Assessment and prediction of the invasiveness of some alien plants in conditions Assessment and prediction of the invasiveness of some alien plants in conditions of climate …
YV Lykholat, NA Khromykh, IA Ivan’ko, VL Matyukha, SS Kravets, ...
Biosystems Diversity 25 (1), 52-59, 2017
Impact of emissions of Pridneprovsk TPP in Dnipropetrovsk on the anatomical indices of stem of two-year whip of the Tilia genus representatives
ZV Gritzay, LV Shupranova
Biosystems Diversity 23 (2), 230-235, 2015
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