Yu (Ryan) Yue
Yu (Ryan) Yue
Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, CUNY
Email yang diverifikasi di baruch.cuny.edu - Beranda
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Bayesian regression modeling with INLA
X Wang, YR Yue, JJ Faraway
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2018
Bayesian inference for additive mixed quantile regression models
YR Yue, H Rue
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 55 (1), 84-96, 2011
Bayesian semiparametric additive quantile regression
E Waldmann, T Kneib, YR Yue, S Lang, C Flexeder
Statistical Modelling 13 (3), 223-252, 2013
Adaptive spatial smoothing of fMRI images
Y Yue, JM Loh, MA Lindquist
Statistics and its Interface 3 (1), 3-13, 2010
A Bayesian general linear modeling approach to cortical surface fMRI data analysis
AF Mejia, Y Yue, D Bolin, F Lindgren, MA Lindquist
Journal of the American Statistical Association 115 (530), 501-520, 2020
Nonstationary spatial Gaussian Markov random fields
Y Yue, PL Speckman
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 19 (1), 96-116, 2010
Bayesian adaptive smoothing splines using stochastic differential equations
YR Yue, D Simpson, F Lindgren, H Rue
Variable selection for inhomogeneous spatial point process models
Y Yue, JM Loh
Canadian Journal of Statistics 43 (2), 288-305, 2015
Meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging data using Bayesian nonparametric binary regression
YR Yue, MA Lindquist, JM Loh
Bayesian Tobit quantile regression model for medical expenditure panel survey data
YR Yue, HG Hong
Statistical Modelling 12 (4), 323-346, 2012
Priors for Bayesian adaptive spline smoothing
YR Yue, PL Speckman, D Sun
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 64 (3), 577-613, 2012
Gradual growth versus shape invariance in perceptual decision making.
JN Rouder, Y Yue, PL Speckman, MS Pratte, JM Province
Psychological Review 117 (4), 1267, 2010
Spatial Bayesian GLM on the cortical surface produces reliable task activations in individuals and groups
D Spencer, YR Yue, D Bolin, S Ryan, AF Mejia
NeuroImage 249, 118908, 2022
Bayesian generalized two-way ANOVA modeling for functional data using INLA
Y Yue, D Bolin, H Rue, XF Wang
Statistica Sinica 29 (2), 741-767, 2019
Bayesian semiparametric intensity estimation for inhomogeneous spatial point processes
YR Yue, JM Loh
Biometrics 67 (3), 937-946, 2011
Superimposing hip extension on knee flexion evokes higher activation in biceps femoris than knee flexion alone
A Hegyi, D Csala, B Kovács, A Péter, BXW Liew, Y Yue, T Finni, J Tihanyi, ...
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 58, 102541, 2021
Bayesian nonparametric estimation of pair correlation function for inhomogeneous spatial point processes
YR Yue, JM Loh
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 25 (2), 463-474, 2013
Influence of experimental pain on the spatio-temporal activity of upper trapezius during dynamic lifting–An investigation using Bayesian spatio-temporal ANOVA
BXW Liew, YR Yue, C Cescon, M Barbero, D Falla
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 48, 1-8, 2019
Bayesian inference for generalized linear mixed models with predictors subject to detection limits: an approach that leverages information from auxiliary variables
YR Yue, XF Wang
Statistics in medicine 35 (10), 1689-1705, 2016
Spatial Gaussian Markov random fields: Modelling, applications and efficient computations
YR Yue, XF Wang
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