Kathryn Roach
Kathryn Roach
Professor of Physical Therapy, University of Miami
Email yang diverifikasi di miami.edu
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Development of a shoulder pain and disability index
KE Roach, E Budiman‐Mak, N Songsiridej, Y Lertratanakul
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 1991
The Foot Function Index: a measure of foot pain and disability
E Budiman-Mak, KJ Conrad, KE Roach
Journal of clinical epidemiology 44 (6), 561-570, 1991
The amputee mobility predictor: an instrument to assess determinants of the lower-limb amputee's ability to ambulate
RS Gailey, KE Roach, EB Applegate, B Cho, B Cunniffe, S Licht, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 83 (5), 613-627, 2002
Range of motion measurements: reference values and a database for comparison studies
JM Soucie, C Wang, A Forsyth, S Funk, M Denny, KE Roach, D Boone, ...
Haemophilia 17 (3), 500-507, 2011
Normal hip and knee active range of motion: the relationship to age
KE Roach, TP Miles
Physical therapy 71 (9), 656-665, 1991
Influence of a locomotor training approach on walking speed and distance in people with chronic spinal cord injury: a randomized clinical trial
EC Field-Fote, KE Roach
Physical therapy 91 (1), 48-60, 2011
Development of the wheelchair user's shoulder pain index (WUSPI)
KA Curtis, KE Roach, E Brooks Applegate, T Amar, CS Benbow, ...
Spinal Cord 33 (5), 290-293, 1995
Measurement of health outcomes: reliability, validity and responsiveness
KE Roach
JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics 18 (6), P8-P12, 2006
Reliability and validity of the wheelchair user's shoulder pain index (WUSPI)
KA Curtis, KE Roach, EB Applegate, T Amar, CS Benbow, TD Genecco, ...
Spinal Cord 33 (10), 595-601, 1995
Relationship of forward head posture and cervical backward bending to neck pain
LJ Haughie, IM Fiebert, KE Roach
Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy 3 (3), 91-97, 1995
Effect of a combined walking and conversation intervention on functional mobility of nursing home residents with Alzheimer disease
RM Tappen, KE Roach, EB Applegate, P Stowell
Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders 14 (4), 196-201, 2000
Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of the German Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI)
F Angst, J Goldhahn, G Pap, AF Mannion, KE Roach, D Siebertz, ...
Rheumatology 46 (1), 87-92, 2007
Musculoskeletal pain in student instrumentalists: a comparison with the general student population
KE Roach, MA Martinez, N Anderson
Medical Problems of Performing Artists 9 (4), 125-130, 1994
Test-retest reliability of patient reports of low back pain
KE Roach, MD Brown, KM Dunigan, CL Kusek, M Walas
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 26 (5), 253-259, 1997
A randomized controlled trial of an activity specific exercise program for individuals with Alzheimer disease in long-term care settings
KE Roach, RM Tappen, N Kirk-Sanchez, CL Williams, D Loewenstein
Journal of geriatric physical therapy 34 (2), 50-56, 2011
Validation of the revised physical therapist clinical performance instrument (PT CPI): Version 2006
KE Roach, JS Frost, NJ Francis, S Giles, JT Nordrum, A Delitto
Physical therapy 92 (3), 416-428, 2012
Impacts of foot orthoses on pain and disability in rheumatoid arthritics
KJ Conrad, E Budiman-Mak, KE Roach, D Hedeker
Journal of clinical epidemiology 49 (1), 1-7, 1996
Reliability of physical performance measures in nursing home residents with Alzheimer's disease
RM Tappen, KE Roach, D Buchner, C Barry, J Edelstein
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical …, 1997
Peak power, ground reaction forces, and velocity during the squat exercise performed at different loads
AJ Zink, AC Perry, BL Robertson, KE Roach, JF Signorile
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 20 (3), 658-664, 2006
Postural compensations and subjective complaints due to backpack loads and wear time in schoolchildren
F Kistner, I Fiebert, K Roach, J Moore
Pediatric Physical Therapy 25 (1), 15-24, 2013
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