Dr. Ilham S.Kom., M.Kom
Dr. Ilham S.Kom., M.Kom
UIN Sunan Ampel of Surabaya
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Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pengendalian Internal Terhadap Penjualan (Studi Kasus: Cv. Anugrah Ps)
AI Rahmansyah, D Darwis
J. Teknol. dan Sist. Inf 1 (2), 42-49, 2020
Penerapan metode waterfall dalam perancangan sistem informasi penggajian pada SMK Bina Karya Karawang
H Kurniawan, W Apriliah, I Kurniawan, D Firmansyah
Jurnal Interkom: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan …, 2020
Organizational culture and job satisfaction: A review
D Belıas, A Koustelıos
International review of management and marketing 4 (2), 132-149, 2014
The effect of career development and work environment on employee performance with work motivation as intervening variable at the office of agriculture and livestock in Aceh
EY Iis, W Wahyuddin, A Thoyib, RN Ilham, I Sinta
International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture …, 2022
Regional financial management system of regency/city regional original income in aceh province period year 2016-2020
B Bustani, M Khaddafi, R Nur Ilham
International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences …, 2022
Juridical Analysis of Victims of The Economic Exploitation of Children Under The Age to Realize Legal Protection From Human Rights Aspects: Research Study At The Office of …
I Geovani, S Nurkhotijah, H Kurniawan, F Milanie, R Nur Ilham
International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences …, 2021
Investigation of the bitcoin effects on the country revenues via virtual tax transactions for purchasing management
RN Ilham, KAF Erlina, AS Silalahi, J Saputra, W Albra
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol 8 (6), 737, 2019
Comparative of the Supply Chain and Block Chains to Increase the Country Revenues via Virtual Tax Transactions and Replacing Future of Money
RN Ilham, KAF Erlina, AS Silalahi, J Saputra
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol 8 (5), 1066, 2019
Relationship Between Budget Participation, Job Characteristics, Emotional Intelligence and Work Motivation As Mediator Variables to Strengthening User Power Performance: An …
H Sandi, N Afni Yunita, M Heikal, R Nur Ilham, I Sinta
Morfai Journal 1 (1), 36-48, 2021
Product Quality On Consumer Purchase Interest With Customer Satisfaction As A Variable Intervening In Black Online Store High Click Market: Case Study on Customers of the …
M Sinurat, M Heikal, A Simanjuntak, R Siahaan, R Nur Ilham
Morfai Journal 1 (1), 13-21, 2021
Partai politik dan sistem pemilihan umum di Indonesia
M Labolo, T Ilham
Rajawali Pers, 2015
Deficiency of glutaredoxin 5 reveals Fe–S clusters are required for vertebrate haem synthesis
RA Wingert, JL Galloway, B Barut, H Foott, P Fraenkel, JL Axe, GJ Weber, ...
Nature 436 (7053), 1035-1039, 2005
The Influence Of Entrepreneurship Aspects On The Success Of The Chips Industry In Matang Glumpang Dua And Panton PUMP
R Rahmaniar, S Subhan, S Saharuddin, R Nur Ilham, K Anwar
International Journal of Social Science, Educational, Economics, Agriculture …, 2022
Crystal structure of the non-haem iron halogenase SyrB2 in syringomycin biosynthesis
LC Blasiak, FH Vaillancourt, CT Walsh, CL Drennan
Nature 440 (7082), 368-371, 2006
Abiological catalysis by artificial haem proteins containing noble metals in place of iron
HM Key, P Dydio, DS Clark, JF Hartwig
Nature 534 (7608), 534-537, 2016
Reciprocal regulation of haem biosynthesis and the circadian clock in mammals
K Kaasik, C Chi Lee
Nature 430 (6998), 467-471, 2004
The effect of technical analysis on cryptocurrency investment returns with the 5 (five) highest market capitalizations in Indonesia
RN Ilham, I Sinta, M Sinurat
Jurnal Ekonomi 11 (02), 1022-1035, 2022
Treatment of leachate by electrocoagulation using aluminum and iron electrodes
F Ilhan, U Kurt, O Apaydin, MT Gonullu
Journal of hazardous materials 154 (1-3), 381-389, 2008
Application Of Good Corporate Governance Principles In Improving Benefits Of State-Owned Enterprises (An Emperical Evidence From Indonesian Stock Exchange At Moment Of Covid-19)
RN Ilham, A Arliansyah, R Juanda, I Sinta, M Multazam, L Syahputri
International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture …, 2022
F Falahuddin
F., Munandar, M., Juanda, R.., & Nur Ilham, 65-68, 0
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