Jose Maria Cabrera Marrero
Jose Maria Cabrera Marrero
Professor in Metallurgical Engineering at Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya
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High temperature deformation of Inconel 718
A Thomas, M El-Wahabi, JM Cabrera, JM Prado
Journal of materials processing technology 177 (1-3), 469-472, 2006
Constitutive relationships for hot deformation of austenite
H Mirzadeh, JM Cabrera, A Najafizadeh
Acta materialia 59 (16), 6441-6448, 2011
Hot deformation behavior of a medium carbon microalloyed steel
H Mirzadeh, JM Cabrera, JM Prado, A Najafizadeh
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (10-11), 3876-3882, 2011
EBSD study of a hot deformed austenitic stainless steel
H Mirzadeh, JM Cabrera, A Najafizadeh, PR Calvillo
Materials Science and Engineering: A 538, 236-245, 2012
Microstructures and mechanical properties of pure copper deformed severely by equal-channel angular pressing and high pressure torsion
N Lugo, N Llorca, JM Cabrera, Z Horita
Materials Science and Engineering: A 477 (1-2), 366-371, 2008
Dynamic recrystallization mechanisms and twining evolution during hot deformation of Inconel 718
M Azarbarmas, M Aghaie-Khafri, JM Cabrera, J Calvo
Materials Science and Engineering: A 678, 137-152, 2016
Modeling the flow behavior of a medium carbon microalloyed steel under hot working conditions
JM Cabrera, A Al Omar, JM Prado, JJ Jonas
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 28 (11), 2233-2244, 1997
Hot working of two AISI 304 steels: a comparative study
M El Wahabi, JM Cabrera, JM Prado
Materials Science and Engineering: A 343 (1-2), 116-125, 2003
Effect of initial grain size on dynamic recrystallization in high purity austenitic stainless steels
M El Wahabi, L Gavard, F Montheillet, JM Cabrera, JM Prado
Acta materialia 53 (17), 4605-4612, 2005
Printed circuit boards: A review on the perspective of sustainability
AC Marques, JM Cabrera, C de Fraga Malfatti
Journal of environmental management 131, 298-306, 2013
Hot deformation of duplex stainless steels
JM Cabrera, A Mateo, L Llanes, JM Prado, M Anglada
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 143, 321-325, 2003
Hot deformation behavior, dynamic recrystallization, and physically-based constitutive modeling of plain carbon steels
S Saadatkia, H Mirzadeh, JM Cabrera
Materials Science and Engineering: A 636, 196-202, 2015
Mechanical, microstructural and electrical evolution of commercially pure copper processed by equal channel angular extrusion
OF Higuera-Cobos, JM Cabrera
Materials Science and Engineering: A 571, 103-114, 2013
Modeling and prediction of hot deformation flow curves
H Mirzadeh, JM Cabrera, A Najafizadeh
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43 (1), 108-123, 2012
Dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization competition on a Nb-and N-bearing austenitic stainless steel biomaterial: Influence of strain rate and temperature
RC Souza, ES Silva, AM Jorge Jr, JM Cabrera, O Balancin
Materials Science and Engineering: A 582, 96-107, 2013
A simple constitutive model for predicting flow stress of medium carbon microalloyed steel during hot deformation
Z Akbari, H Mirzadeh, JM Cabrera
Materials & Design 77, 126-131, 2015
Thermal stability of ultrafine grains size of pure copper obtained by equal-channel angular pressing
N Lugo, N Llorca, JJ Suñol, JM Cabrera
Journal of materials science 45 (9), 2264-2273, 2010
Macro-micro modeling of the dendritic microstructure of steel billets processed by continuous casting
CM JM, V Carreno-Galindo, M RD, F Chavez-Alcala
ISIJ international 38 (8), 812-821, 1998
Hot ductility behavior of a low carbon advanced high strength steel (AHSS) microalloyed with boron
I Mejía, A Bedolla-Jacuinde, C Maldonado, JM Cabrera
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (13-14), 4468-4474, 2011
The effect of changing chemical composition on dissimilar Mg/Al friction stir welded butt joints using zinc interlayer
A Abdollahzadeh, A Shokuhfar, JM Cabrera, AP Zhilyaev, H Omidvar
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34, 18-30, 2018
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