The quality of accruals and earnings: The role of accrual estimation errors PM Dechow, ID Dichev The accounting review 77 (s-1), 35-59, 2002 | 8578 | 2002 |
Earnings management to avoid earnings decreases and losses D Burgstahler, I Dichev Journal of accounting and economics 24 (1), 99-126, 1997 | 6525 | 1997 |
Large–sample evidence on the debt covenant hypothesis ID Dichev, DJ Skinner Journal of accounting research 40 (4), 1091-1123, 2002 | 1803 | 2002 |
Is the risk of bankruptcy a systematic risk? ID Dichev the Journal of Finance 53 (3), 1131-1147, 1998 | 1569 | 1998 |
Earnings quality: Evidence from the field ID Dichev, JR Graham, CR Harvey, S Rajgopal Journal of accounting and economics 56 (2-3), 1-33, 2013 | 1464 | 2013 |
Earnings, adaptation and equity value DC Burgstahler, ID Dichev Accounting review, 187-215, 1997 | 1135 | 1997 |
Earnings volatility and earnings predictability ID Dichev, VW Tang Journal of accounting and Economics 47 (1-2), 160-181, 2009 | 984 | 2009 |
The long‐run stock returns following bond ratings changes ID Dichev, JD Piotroski The Journal of Finance 56 (1), 173-203, 2001 | 939 | 2001 |
Matching and the changing properties of accounting earnings over the last 40 years ID Dichev, VW Tang The Accounting Review 83 (6), 1425-1460, 2008 | 561 | 2008 |
On the balance sheet-based model of financial reporting ID Dichev Accounting Horizons 22 (4), 453-470, 2008 | 278 | 2008 |
Lunar cycle effects in stock returns ID Dichev, TD Janes The Journal of Private Equity, 8-29, 2003 | 244 | 2003 |
What are stock investors' actual historical returns? Evidence from dollar-weighted returns ID Dichev American Economic Review 97 (1), 386-401, 2007 | 222 | 2007 |
Higher risk, lower returns: What hedge fund investors really earn ID Dichev, G Yu Journal of Financial Economics 100 (2), 248-263, 2011 | 216 | 2011 |
The misrepresentation of earnings I Dichev, J Graham, CR Harvey, S Rajgopal Financial Analysts Journal 72 (1), 22-35, 2016 | 179 | 2016 |
News or noise? I Dichev Research in Higher Education 42, 237-266, 2001 | 128 | 2001 |
How good are business school rankings? ID Dichev The Journal of Business 72 (2), 201-213, 1999 | 127 | 1999 |
The performance of long‐run stock returns following issues of public and private debt ID Dichev, JD Piotroski Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 26 (9‐10), 1103-1132, 1999 | 82 | 1999 |
On the conceptual foundations of financial reporting ID Dichev Accounting and Business Research 47 (6), 617-632, 2017 | 79 | 2017 |
The role and characteristics of accounting-based performance pricing in private debt contracts ID Dichev, A Beatty, J Weber Available at SSRN 318399, 2002 | 62 | 2002 |
The benefits of transaction-level data: The case of NielsenIQ scanner data ID Dichev, J Qian Journal of Accounting and Economics 74 (1), 101495, 2022 | 42 | 2022 |