Alessio Muscillo
Alessio Muscillo
Associate Professor, Universitas Mercatorum
Email yang diverifikasi di unimercatorum.it - Beranda
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Covid19: Unless one gets everyone to act, policies may be ineffective or even backfire
A Muscillo, P Pin, T Razzolini
PloS one 15 (9), e0237057, 2020
Adolescents’ opinions on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: hints toward enhancing pandemic preparedness in the future
A Muscillo, G Lombardi, E Sestini, F Garbin, V Tambone, LL Campanozzi, ...
Vaccines 11 (5), 967, 2023
Spreading of an infectious disease between different locations
A Muscillo, P Pin, T Razzolini
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 183, 508-532, 2021
An open data index to assess the green transition-A study on all Italian municipalities
A Muscillo, S Re, S Gambacorta, G Ferrara, N Tagliafierro, E Borello, ...
Ecological Economics 212, 107924, 2023
No-vaxxers are different in public good games
M Basili, A Muscillo, P Pin
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 18132, 2022
Circular City Index: An Open Data analysis to assess the urban circularity preparedness of cities to address the green transition--A study on the Italian municipalities
A Muscillo, S Re, S Gambacorta, G Ferrara, N Tagliafierro, E Borello, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.10832, 2021
A note on (matricial and fast) ways to compute Burt's structural holes
A Muscillo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.05114, 2021
Does" Network Closure" Beef up Import Premium?
A Muscillo, P Pin, T Razzolini, F Serti
IZA Discussion Papers, 2018
Discrete Models of Information Diffusion in Networks
Efficiency and stability in a process of teams formation
L Boncinelli, A Muscillo, P Pin
Dynamic Games and Applications 12 (4), 1101-1129, 2022
Enhancing Institutional Trust: Evidence from an Experimental Study with Adolescents in Italy
E Sestini, A Muscillo, G Lombardi, F Garbin, P Pin
Social Indicators Research, 1-40, 2025
The Rise and Fall of Ideas' Popularity
P Mazzarisi, A Muscillo, C Pacati, P Pin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.18541, 2024
How do you know you won't like it if you've never tried it? Preference discovery and strategic bundling
S Della Lena, P Pin, A Muscillo
Preference discovery and strategic bundling*(October 12, 2024), 2024
Water, Mobility, and More: Insights into Italian Youth’s Willingness to Adopt Sus-tainable Behaviors
G Lombardi, A Muscillo, E Sestini, F Garbin, P Pin
Does “network closure” beef up firms’ performance?
A Muscillo, P Pin, T Razzolini, F Serti
Social Networks 73, 89-103, 2023
A Note on Matricial Ways to Compute Burt’s Structural Holes
A Muscillo
Symmetry 15 (1), 211, 2023
Insumos importados, rendimiento de la empresa y características de la cadena de suministro
A Muscillo, P Pin, T Razzolini, F Serti
Resúmenes de la VI Jornada de Investigación en Internacionalización: 17 y 18 …, 2023
Correction to: Efficiency and Stability in a Process of Teams Formation
L Boncinelli, A Muscillo, P Pin
Dynamic Games and Applications 12 (4), 1130-1130, 2022
A note on matricial ways to compute Burt’s structural holes in networks
A Muscillo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.05114, 2021
La percezione del rischio al tempo dell’Infodemia: La risposta dei cittadini alle misure di contenimento
A Muscillo, G Lombardi
STATISTICA & SOCIETÀ 9 (1), 1-6, 2020
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