A new hybrid method based on particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization and 3-opt algorithms for traveling salesman problem M Mahi, ÖK Baykan, H Kodaz Applied Soft Computing 30, 484-490, 2015 | 457 | 2015 |
A new hybrid method based on fuzzy-artificial immune system and k-nn algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis S Şahan, K Polat, H Kodaz, S Güneş Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (3), 415-423, 2007 | 273 | 2007 |
A parallel cooperative hybrid method based on ant colony optimization and 3-Opt algorithm for solving traveling salesman problem Ş Gülcü, M Mahi, ÖK Baykan, H Kodaz Soft Computing 22, 1669-1685, 2018 | 207 | 2018 |
Breast cancer and liver disorders classification using artificial immune recognition system (AIRS) with performance evaluation by fuzzy resource allocation mechanism K Polat, S Şahan, H Kodaz, S Güneş Expert Systems with Applications 32 (1), 172-183, 2007 | 128 | 2007 |
The medical applications of attribute weighted artificial immune system (AWAIS): diagnosis of heart and diabetes diseases S Şahan, K Polat, H Kodaz, S Güneş Artificial Immune Systems: 4th International Conference, ICARIS 2005, Banff …, 2005 | 119 | 2005 |
A novel parallel multi-swarm algorithm based on comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization Ş Gülcü, H Kodaz Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 45, 33-45, 2015 | 114 | 2015 |
Medical application of information gain based artificial immune recognition system (AIRS): Diagnosis of thyroid disease H Kodaz, S Özşen, A Arslan, S Güneş Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2), 3086-3092, 2009 | 114 | 2009 |
Community detection from biological and social networks: A comparative analysis of metaheuristic algorithms Y Atay, I Koc, I Babaoglu, H Kodaz Applied Soft Computing 50, 194-211, 2017 | 109 | 2017 |
A new optimization algorithm for solving wind turbine placement problem: Binary artificial algae algorithm M Beşkirli, İ Koç, H Haklı, H Kodaz Renewable energy 121, 301-308, 2018 | 95 | 2018 |
A new classification method for breast cancer diagnosis: feature selection artificial immune recognition system (FS-AIRS) K Polat, S Sahan, H Kodaz, S Günes Advances in Natural Computation: First International Conference, ICNC 2005 …, 2005 | 83 | 2005 |
A new algorithm based on gray wolf optimizer and shuffled frog leaping algorithm to solve the multi-objective optimization problems M Karakoyun, A Ozkis, H Kodaz Applied Soft Computing 96, 106560, 2020 | 61 | 2020 |
A new classification method to diagnosis liver disorders: supervised artificial immune system (AIRS) K Polat, S Sahan, H Kodaz, S Gunes Proceedings of the IEEE 13th Signal Processing and Communications …, 2005 | 55 | 2005 |
Prediction of protein-protein interactions using an effective sequence based combined method YE Göktepe, H Kodaz Neurocomputing 303, 68-74, 2018 | 51 | 2018 |
SİMETRİK VE ASİMETRİK ŞİFRELEME ALGORİTMALARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI H Kodaz, FM BOTSALI Selcuk University Journal of Engineering Sciences 9 (1), 10-23, 2010 | 41 | 2010 |
A new classifier based on attribute weighted artificial immune system (AWAIS) S Sahan, H Kodaz, S Gunes, K Polat SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2004 | 38 | 2004 |
The energy demand estimation for Turkey using differential evolution algorithm M Beskirli, H Hakli, H Kodaz Sādhanā 42, 1705-1715, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
An improved tree seed algorithm for optimization problems M Aslan, M Beskirli, H Kodaz, MS Kiran Int J Mach Learn Comput 8 (1), 20-25, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
Optimal placement of wind turbines using novel binary invasive weed optimization M Beşkirli, I Koc, H Kodaz Tehnički vjesnik 26 (1), 56-63, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
A new approach based on particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving data allocation problem M Mahi, OK Baykan, H Kodaz Applied Soft Computing 62, 571-578, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
SpEnD: Linked data SPARQL endpoints discovery using search engines S Yumusak, E Dogdu, H Kodaz, A Kamilaris, PY Vandenbussche IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 100 (4), 758-767, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |