David Mendes
David Mendes
Universidade de Évora, CHRC, IP Santarém, UNEX
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Psychometric properties of the elderly nursing core set
C Fonseca, M Lopes, D Mendes, P Parreira, L Mónico, C Marques
Gerontechnology: First International Workshop, IWoG 2018, Cáceres, Spain …, 2019
Anonymized distributed PHR using blockchain for openness and non-repudiation guarantee
D Mendes, I Rodrigues, C Fonseca, M Lopes, JM García-Alonso, ...
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 381-385, 2018
Enriched elderly virtual profiles by means of a multidimensional integrated assessment platform
E Moguel, J Berrocal, JM Murillo, J García-Alonso, D Mendes, C Fonseca, ...
Procedia computer science 138, 56-63, 2018
Situational-context for virtually modeling the elderly
J Garcia-Alonso, J Berrocal, JM Murillo, D Mendes, C Fonseca, M Lopes
Ambient Intelligence–Software and Applications–, 9th International Symposium …, 2019
A Semantic Web Pragmatic Approach to Develop Clinical Ontologies, and Thus Semantic Interoperability, Based in HL7 v2. XML Messaging
D Mendes, I Rodrigues
ENTERprise Information Systems, 297-306, 2011
Deep learning and IoT to assist multimorbidity home based healthcare
D Mendes, M Lopes, P Parreira, C Fonseca
Biological and socio-demographic predictors of elderly quality of life living in the community in Baixo-Alentejo, Portugal
M Goes, MJ Lopes, H Oliveira, C Fonseca, D Mendes
Gerontechnology: First International Workshop, IWoG 2018, Cáceres, Spain …, 2019
Dependence in self-care with comorbidity, indicators of nursing care and contributions to an ontology of aging: Systematic review of the literature
C Fonseca, A Lista, M Lopes, F Mendes, D Mendes, C Marques, ...
2018 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2018
Enrichment/population of customized CPR (computer-based patient record) ontology from free-text reports for CSI (computer semantic interoperability)
D Mendes, IP Rodrigues, C Rodriguez-Solano, CF Baeta
Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) 7 (1), 1-11, 2014
Enrichment/Population of customized CPR (Computer-based Patient Record) ontology from free-text reports for CSI (Computer Semantic Interoperability)
D Mendes, IP Rodrigues, C Rodriguez-Solano, C Baeta
Procedia Technology 5, 753-762, 2012
Clinical Practice Knowledge Acquisition and Interrogation using Natural Language
D Mendes
https://www.rdpc.uevora.pt/bitstream/10174/12553/1/dissertation_Dm_PhDi.pdf, 2014
Resilient software architecture platform for the individual care plan
DJM Mendes, MJ Lopes, JM García-Alonso, J Santos, LMM Sousa
Exploring the role of ICTs in healthy aging, 13-32, 2020
Context-aware mobile app for the multidimensional assessment of the elderly
J Berrocal, J Garcia-Alonso, JM Murillo, D Mendes, C Fonseca, M Lopes
2018 13th Iberian conference on information systems and technologies (CISTI …, 2018
Exploring the role of ICTs in healthy aging
D Mendes, C Fonseca, MJ Lopes, J García-Alonso, JM Murillo
IGI Global, 2020
Handbook of research on health systems and organizations for an aging society
C Fonseca, MJ Lopes, D Mendes, F Mendes, J Garcia-Alonso
IGI Global, 2019
Extended clinical discourse representation structure for controlled natural language clinical decision support systems
DJM Mendes, IP Rodrigues, CF Baeta, C Solano-Rodriguez
International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (IJRQEH) 4 (2), 1-11, 2015
Development and Population of an Elaborate Formal Ontology for Clinical Practice Knowledge Representation.
D Mendes, IP Rodrigues, CF Baeta
KEOD, 286-292, 2013
Well formed clinical practice ontology selection
D Mendes, I Rodrigues
Automatic ontology population extracted from SAM healthcare texts in Portuguese
D Mendes, I Rodrigues
Contributions to the ontology of aging, the sensitive indicators of rehabilitation nursing care, in terms of self-care, in people with respiratory disorders
C Fonseca, J Correia, M Lopes, F Mendes, D Mendes, C Marques, ...
2018 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2018
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