Gian Giacomo Guerreschi
Gian Giacomo Guerreschi
Research Scientist, Intel
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Boson sampling for molecular vibronic spectra
J Huh, GG Guerreschi, B Peropadre, JR McClean, A Aspuru-Guzik
Nature Photonics 9, 615–620, 2015
QAOA for Max-Cut requires hundreds of qubits for quantum speed-up
GG Guerreschi, AY Matsuura
Scientific reports 9 (1), 6903, 2019
Quantum control and entanglement in a chemical compass
J Cai, GG Guerreschi, HJ Briegel
Physical review letters 104 (22), 220502, 2010
Quantum neuron: an elementary building block for machine learning on quantum computers
Y Cao, GG Guerreschi, A Aspuru-Guzik
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.11240, 2017
Practical optimization for hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
GG Guerreschi, M Smelyanskiy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.01450, 2017
Intel Quantum Simulator: A cloud-ready high-performance simulator of quantum circuits
GG Guerreschi, J Hogaboam, F Baruffa, NPD Sawaya
Quantum Science and Technology 5 (3), 034007, 2020
Resource-efficient digital quantum simulation of d-level systems for photonic, vibrational, and spin-s Hamiltonians
NPD Sawaya, T Menke, TH Kyaw, S Johri, A Aspuru-Guzik, ...
npj Quantum Information 6 (1), 49, 2020
Two-step approach to scheduling quantum circuits
GG Guerreschi, J Park
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (4), 045003, 2018
Biology and medicine in the landscape of quantum advantages
BA Cordier, NPD Sawaya, GG Guerreschi, SK McWeeney
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19 (196), 20220541, 2022
Impact of qubit connectivity on quantum algorithm performance
A Holmes, S Johri, GG Guerreschi, JS Clarke, AY Matsuura
Quantum Science and Technology 5 (2), 025009, 2020
Proposal for microwave boson sampling
B Peropadre, GG Guerreschi, J Huh, A Aspuru-Guzik
Physical review letters 117 (14), 140505, 2016
cqasm v1. 0: Towards a common quantum assembly language
N Khammassi, GG Guerreschi, I Ashraf, JW Hogaboam, CG Almudever, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.09607, 2018
Motional effects on the efficiency of excitation transfer
A Asadian, M Tiersch, GG Guerreschi, J Cai, S Popescu, HJ Briegel
New Journal of Physics 12 (7), 075019, 2010
Efficient photon triplet generation in integrated nanophotonic waveguides
EM Michael G. Moebius, Felipe Herrera, Sarah Griesse-Nascimento, Orad Reshef ...
Optics Express 24 (9), 9932-9954, 2016
Faster than classical quantum algorithm for dense formulas of exact satisfiability and occupation problems
S Mandrà, GG Guerreschi, A Aspuru-Guzik
New Journal of Physics 18, 073003, 2016
Evaluation of QAOA based on the approximation ratio of individual samples
J Larkin, M Jonsson, D Justice, GG Guerreschi
Quantum Science and Technology 7 (4), 045014, 2022
Realizing quantum algorithms on real quantum computing devices
CG Almudever, L Lao, R Wille, GG Guerreschi
2020 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 864-872, 2020
Quantum computer-aided design: digital quantum simulation of quantum processors
TH Kyaw, T Menke, S Sim, A Anand, NPD Sawaya, WD Oliver, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (4), 044042, 2021
Resource-efficient digital quantum simulation of d-level systems for photonic, vibrational, and spin-s Hamiltonians, npj Quantum Inf
NPD Sawaya, T Menke, TH Kyaw, S Johri, A Aspuru-Guzik, ...
Jun 6 (1), 2020
Repeat-until-success circuits with fixed-point oblivious amplitude amplification
GG Guerreschi
Physical Review A 99 (2), 022306, 2019
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